Class Trial

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*Trigger Warning*

The following may unsuitable for young children and includes violent pictures as well as strong language and violence. You have been warned.

 You have been warned

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Mikan stumbles backward and my body is paralyzed from shock. W-what the hell!? Is this a nightmare? I m-must be dreaming. This can't be real!


Mahiru clings onto me, her tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. I hold back my tears but I'm horrified and can't move.



I-is fault?

"T-this is a joke, right? This can't be real!"



All of the sudden, Monokuma jumped out from nowhere. He did this! He has to pay for this! I have to do something for Byakuya!

"Why you-"

Before I can take another step, Nagito stops me. I remember what happened last time. I hug him hoping that it will help me calm down.

"Puhuhuhu! How wonderful! He was always talking about not letting anyone die, and he died himself! Such despair..."

"Enough. You killed him, didn't you!?"

I don't dare move any closer, but I stare him down.

"Of course not! It was one of you who did it!"

What? There's no way we would kill each other. Nobody here would do that!

"So it's really true?"

It's Nagito speaking.

"Byakuya died...and a friend killed another friend?"

"That's right! You guys better start investigating before the trial starts. After all, your necks are on line!"

"Noooo! Don't listnen to Monokuma!"


"Ahahaha...that's the truth!"

"There's no way such a hopeless act happened!"


"Whatever...see you later!"

He disappeared...leaving us with overwhelming despair. Nobody here would do anything like this!

"I-i don't want to do this...nobody here would do something like this!"

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