
519 19 44

*Trigger Warning*

The following may be unsuitable for young children and includes strong language. You have been warned.


I'm sick of Monokuma.

I'm sick of that stupid bear and this killing game purely made for entertainment.

But I'm most of all sick of myself.

I know that it's my fault, no matter how much I try to convince myself otherwise.

Mahiru and Peko....Byakuya and Teruteru too...they didn't deserve to die. Why am I not dead yet? Why did they die instead of me?

"Y/n? Yn? Y/n! Snap out of it!"


"What's wrong y/n? Is something wrong?" Nagito asks me.

"Yes, something's wrong! Don't you feel anything for the people who have already died!? They're dead now. They're not coming back..."

"Of course I feel bad, but I know you can overcome this despair, just like last time, right?"

"...I don't know how much longer I can take this..."

"What? You're not saying you're going to...."

"No! I'm not gonna kill myself! I promised someone that I'd never do that! I won't give up on life! But....I can't stand seeing anymore of my friends die! We have to escape this island!"

"Right...but I don't think it will be easy. We don't exactly have the best idea where we are right now, so I'm not sure how we'll be able escape yet."

"There has to be some sort of clue, right? Maybe we should check the library before the nighttime announcement goes off."

"That's a good idea. You always have such great ideas y/n."

" ideas got people killed. I'm going to isolate myself from others now on. I'll only spend time with you."

"What? That's definitely not healthy behavior. You should-"

"No. I've already made up my mind. I won't let-"

"As long as other people keep dying, that means you won't die, right?"


"You said it yourself that you don't want to die. There's no way we can stop the killings for sure, so wouldn't you rather have someone else die?"


"If you isolate yourself, the only person your luck can affect is you, or maybe even me."


"But, if you still don't want to interact with other people, that's fine I guess. I don't mind dying as long as I can become a stepping stone for hope."

"W-what are you saying!? You'd die for me!? That's completely insane! I don't want you to do that! There's no way I'd want you to die!"

"But for you to overcome the despair of your friend's death, it would bring you so much hope. If only I could be there to see it."

"Stop it! Y-you're not gonna die. I've been thinking about the you remember when Monokuma said he would get his revenge on me?"

"Yes, I remember that."

"Fuyuhiko and Mahiru were people that I had a good relationship with, and that motive was specifically made to kill them both. Don't you think that it's too coincidental that Mahiru died and Fuyuhiko almost died after Monokuma said he was mad at me?"

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