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*Trigger Warning*

The following may be unsuitable for young children and includes violent images. You have been warned.

"H-hey! Get away from me! Stay away from me witch!"


"Jeez, just because your life sucks doesn't mean you have to go and curse others!"

"We were assigned to work together though..."

"Ugh! Teacher! I want a different partner!"

"No, you will work with y/n."

"No fair! How come I have to get y/n!?"

"There will be no switching. Anyways, tonight's homework..."




"Hey y/n! Let's work together at the abandoned building. Come on, it will be fun!"

"I thought you didn't want to work with me.."

"Haha, I was just joking. Let's go!"

"But that building is dangerous...why not somewhere else?"

"That's no fun! Hurry up!"




"You first, y/n."

"............Get it over with...please..."

"Alright. Guys, now!"

"Hold her down! Don't let her escape!"

"I'm trying! Do you have the tape!?"

"Yeah, duct tape her mouth!"

"Okay, now tie her to the pole!"


"Barricade the doors, let's go!"




"Hmm.....wha-! Oh my! Are you alright?"

"Yeah...thank you sir."

"W-why are you tied up here!? Is this a kidnapping?"

" was just my classmates."

"Oh dear! Why would they do such a thing?"



"I'll be going now."

"Huh? Wait how long were you trapped here?"

"Three days."

"Jesus Christ! You need food and water!"

"I-i should get going..."

"No! I insist! Let me help you out!"

"I-i'm thirsty............."




"Huh? W-where am I?"

"You're awake! Please, drink up!"

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