Music Party

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*Trigger Warning*

The following may be unsuitable for young children and includes strong language and violent images. You have been warned.


What the fuck?

Did he just...........kiss me?

I stared up at my cottage floor, pondering my thoughts for what seemed like hours. Why would he do that? Is he still trying to manipulate me? No....after how impulsive I acted I doubt he would take such a risky approach.....then....why? I don't understand. I don't understand at all.


No.....please no.......I'm not ready.....for once in my life let something go right....please let this not be who I think it is.....


Stop! Just go away! Just give up and go! I'm not here, go look somewhere else!


Why won't they go? They must know that I'm I open the door? They can't get in if I don't open the door, right?


The door flys open and Ibuki jumps into my cottage screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Y/nnnnnnn!!! Help meee!!!"


I spring up from my bed, backing up all the way to the wall behind me.

"Ibuki! How did you get into my room?! It was locked!"

"And I destroyed that worthless lock!" Ibuki giggled.

"Why are you here!?"

"Ibuki needs your help! I know I can count on my secret admirer to help me out!"

"Secret admirer!?"

"You're the one who was sent me that love poem, right? That was so adorable! Ibuki knows your Ultimate talent......the Ultimate Love Poem Writer!"

"W-what? That wasn't me!"

"Haha! Ibuki remembers when she caught you staring at her! Ibuki also figured out your clever message!"

Ibuki takes out a sheet of paper and hands it to me. What is going on?

Dear my beloved Ibuki Mioda <3,

Wow, you are sooooo amazing! I'm like totally in love with you! I was so obsessed with creep that I never realized how cute you are! But now that me and that weirdo are done, let's totally get to know each other more! You're so fun and bright...maybe you could cheer me up? :)

Love, your secret admirer 

Hint: Mahiru and I were friends



I never wrote this letter....who's behind this? What.....just happened?

"Ibuki figured it out! I remember you and Mahiru being friends! I dunno about the creep part....but I knew you liked me all along!"

"But....I didn't write this letter...."

"Haha! No need to be shy! Welcome the world of girl love!"

"I'm serious....I swear I didn't write this..."

" were the only one that really ever hung around that guy....Ibuki thinks that you're the only one who fits the description. Hmmmm.....Ibuki doesn't remember y/n being done with Nagito though...."

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