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*Trigger Warning*

The following may unsuitable for young children and includes strong language and violence. You have been warned.


It's time.

It's time for the third class trial on this "island of paradise".

And this time, two people are dead.....and I don't even know if I'm the culprit or not.

If I don't figure this out......we'll all die here and now.

I can't let that happen......

Who is the culprit?


The escalator opens from the mountain, and one by one we all step inside.

It's time to solve the mystery of Ibuki and Mikan's deaths.

"Alright, let's go! I'm sure you've already gotten the hang of the trial system by now, so let's just get started already!" Monokuma cheerfully shouts.

"There's no need to worry guys, we already know who the culprit is! It has to, y/n! You killed Ibuki and Mikan!" Kazuichi accuses.

"W-what!? Did y/n really kill them both!?" Akane says clearly shocked. 

"T-that's right! Miss Sonia can confirm it too! The dying message left behind by Mikan!"

"Ah....yes.....there was a message written on the wall.....I believe it said "Y/n /"......there was blood on her index finger, and from the position she was sitting in she must have had to write upside down......there is no doubt Mikan really did write this....."

Sonia is must have been Mikan who wrote that message.......but what about that "/" at the end? Maybe that was just a's hard enough already to write sitting down like that.....

"S-see! It really was y/n after all! So.....can we just vote now?"

"Hold on, it's too soon for that. We haven't even discussed the sequence of events or how the murder even happened yet. It's too early to say officially who the culprit is."

"I don't want to hear it from you, Nagito! You clearly can't be trusted! If you say we shouldn't, we should definitely vote right now!"

"Guys, I agree with Nagito. We should fully discuss the murder before we make our conclusion on what happened." Chiaki intervenes.

"I second that. It's way too early to decide who did it." Hajime agrees.

"Hey! What's wrong with you guys!? You guys trust him over me?"

"Please, let us hear what y/n has to say first."

"If you say so, Miss Sonia...."

Everyone turns to me.

They're not gonna believe me, but I should tell the truth. Someone might have information that could back up my testimony.

" you guys might have noticed that recently, Ibuki and I have been hanging out a lot more often...."

"Yeah, you two were insufferable." Hiyoko adds.

I shoot her a look. She quickly stops talking. 

"I wasn't really sure about her sudden interest in me....but she really cheered me up when we were together......I felt a lot better when I was with her....."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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