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Why is someone here? Who even is it?

"Uh, who's there?"


That voice!

I quickly open the door to find Fuyuhiko standing outside.

"What are you doing here Fuyuhiko?"

"I was just gonna tell you about something that happened after you left."

"After I left?"

"That Nagito bastard, he kept saying some weird shit so...Kazuichi and Nekomaru tied him up at the old building."

"What!? Why!?"

"I just told you dumbass! He's clearly not mentally okay and he did admit to planning a murder. We can't have him roaming loose."

"Why is just Nagito tied up? Shouldn't I be tied up too?"

"They considered it because of how close you two are, but I told them that they shouldn't since you helped us find the killer and we owe you one."

Fuyuhiko defended me? I thought for sure he hated me!

"Why did you do that for me?"

"S-shut up! It wasn't for you! I just....know what it's like to care a lot about someone so I figured I'd at least let you know."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

"Whatever...hey, stop laughing!"

"I just didn't know you were so nice."

"You tell anyone about this, and I'll sell your fucking organs!"

"Not the worst I've heard."

"I'm leaving now...bye."

Fuyuhiko doesn't strike me as the friendly type, so he must really care a lot about that certain someone. I want to go visit Nagito, but I don't really know what I'd say. I guess I'd apologize, but for what? I wanted to live alongside everyone else, but it almost seems like he didn't care at all about living or dying. It seemed like maybe he wasn't the person I first met. No...I refuse to believe that he's a completely different person! Our friendship wasn't a lie, and I know he's a good person at heart. Friends should always be there for each other, and I'm not giving up on him just because the others don't like him! I know that feeling...nobody wanting to be near you're a curse...a bad omen...a demon that inflicts pain on others. Everyone is so afraid of Nagito, enough so that they would chain him up...I know that feeling of fear. I can't let him rot in that old building! I won't allow him to feel my pain! If only I hadn't left early, maybe they would have chained me up too, and I could comfort him at least. But now it's too late. I'm sure that there are people standing guard at the old building so that he doesn't escape or so I don't talk to him. But I should at least try to go see him, and make things right by telling him the truth about my Ultimate Talent. I think it's about time that I tell him...what do I have to lose?

I creep over to the old building, hoping to not get seen by anyone. I might as well just screamed at the top of my lungs that I was at the old building because of course, someone was there. I'm literally the Ultimate Unlucky Student, did I really expect everything to go smoothly after my new-found hope?

"Y/n...I figured you'd be here.."

"Oh hey, Mahiru."

Mahiru and I are on good terms. Maybe she'll let me in?

"I know you want to see Nagito, but I won't let you."

"What? Why though?"

"There's something wrong with him, it wouldn't be good for you to talk to someone like him."

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