Part 1: The Bombs Are Dropping

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It is the year 5066. Earth is a dump of electronic shit and drugs. My name is Jackson Rayner and I'm fed the fuck up with this place. As I look around I see some drug dealers sellin' to fucked up druggies. It fuckin' sucks this place. I used to love it here back when I was a little kid but the natural state just ain't natural no more.

I glance at a store window broadcast and do a double take as I see fires and nukes fallin'. I run to the store and see where the areas are gonna be. I had enough time to think "I'm fucked!" before I heard the first explosion. I ran to get to my house and the safety of my bunker when I heard the screaming and gunshots all around me. The place is already goin' crazy.

As I run others are gettin' gunned down. I pass a robbery in action and they yell at me. Fuck this all, really just fuck it. Those stupid robbers chase me for a little while before they give up. I arrive at my door just as I hear a closer explosion than before.

I run through my house and grab only the most personal items I don't want to lose. My crystal necklace my sister gave to me before she died. My grandpa's ring and my stiletto knife. Finally I grabbed my father's samurai sword and knife as well as the keys to my vehicles. Just as I finished I heard an explosion that shook the house.

No time, no time, no fuckin' time. I run and peel the carpet back in my closet to get to my bunker. I pull the metal door open, climb down the ladder some, close the door, and slide the rest of the way down the ladder. I go through three steel doors and enter my bunker. The bombs keep droppin' away shakin' the bunker ever so slightly.

My heart is goin 300 Mph as the nukes don't stop. My head aches, my temples throb, my vision is goin' blurry, and I'm dizzy. I feel myself fallin' as my head and body go numb. I lay on the floor mind blank I blink a couple times. That's when the world went pitch black.

I wake up 6 hours later wonderin' why I'm in my bunker. Then all the memories come back all at once and like a punch in the face I almost pass out again. I stay conscious and finally get up. Almost fell again but who gives a fuck. I guess I passed out from shock and fear.

*Radio Broadcast S.T.R.B.*
This is S.T.R.B. signing on today now here's the news. February 1st 5066 on exactly 9:11 is when the bombs started dropping. There is terror across America as the bombs keep dropping. From New York to California the bombs are not stopping. Most people have killed themselves before the bombs hit their area. Crime rates drastically increased as everyone fights for supplies and other things. People are not only getting married left and right but rape reports have also increased. Is this the end of America or the world as we know it? Stay tuned for the next update on Shelton Troupe Radio Broadcast. S.T.R.B. signing off.

*Jackson Rayner's Perspective*
"Well ain't this a goddamn shitshow?" I say to myself as the radio broadcast Finishes. Well I'm glad I tuned in on time for the hell America's goin' through. Though I need to get prepared for bad shit. I walk to my weapon and armor room and get my equipment ready. I get my combat jacket on as well as my armor.

I go to my coms room to check to see if any of my cameras are still active. 26 out of 42 active so not bad. No feeds disturbed or out of signal it's just some got blown up and all atleast a little damaged. Most of the place is now desolate wasteland. I see some survivors on one of the feeds though a couple of 'em look mutated.

 I see some survivors on one of the feeds though a couple of 'em look mutated

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*A/N just thought this would work well.*

All of the sudden I see a guy walk up with a grenade in his hand. He is walking in the shadows so I can't see him well. He runs to one of the mutants and shoves the now active grenade into its gaping mouth. Then the unknown man runs away as the mutant explodes taking out the others and my damn camera. I decided then that I needed to find that guy for the better or the worse.

<{¤Time skip¤}>

I wake up to a beeping from my cams room. Meaning motion sensors are goin off near my bunker. I jump up and run to the coms room where I see some guy in an overcoat. "What the fuck!" I yell out in fustration. His back is to the camera so I can't see his face.

 His back is to the camera so I can't see his face

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*A/N this is kinda how I pictured him*

I go to get my weapons, goggles, and air filtration mask on. I check my oxygen filter status and head back to the coms room to check the camera where I see a figure in front of me.

"About time you got back Mr. Rayner." Says the figure in a deepish tone of voice.
"Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?" I yell pointing my sawed-off at his head.
"Who I am should be the least of your worries and how I got here I will not disclose."
"I saw you near one of my cameras, what were you doing there?"
"The questions you pose are of little importance, now tell me have you noticed anything about the mutants Mr. Rayner?"
"They're docile so far, now are you going to answer my questions or do I need to put some led in your head?"
"Clever twist of words Mr. Rayner, but no I will not be answering your questions in fact instead you will be answering mine."

At that point he turns and my whole body locks up. If I could move I'd probably shoot this guy just out of fear. His face... well more so the lack of face just chilled me to the bone. I struggle to move a single muscle but with extreme effort I manage to close my eyes. I exhale as I can't see the monster that lies in front of me. All of the sudden my eyes snap open and I see that horrific sight up close.

"Look at me Mr. Rayner.... look at every feature."
"I'd rather not." I say trying to divert my eyes.
"Distill your fear Mr. Rayner and look at me closely. Now what do you think?"
"Other than the fact that you're a living breathing abomination?"
"I meant about the situation you find yourself in Mr. Rayner."
"I think I'm Kinda fucked, why?"
"Because this is only the beginning of this all Mr. Rayner, this is only the beginning."

All of the sudden he disappears and I fall to the floor, suddenly exhausted. Even trying my best to stay conscious I end up passing out. I end up having world ending dreams that feel more than real.

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