Part 12: Rejection In The Wrong Direction

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I walk out of the main doors and approach Suzanne.
"Get lost."
"W-wait what?"
"You're not going to join us, so like I said get lost."
"Can I at least get a reason why?"
"Four is too many."
"I thought it was only you and your friend?"
"None of your business so turn and leave."
"Fine, if you're going to be an ass about it I will!"
"Ok good." I say turning away. As I walk away I start to feel somewhat bad and look back. I see her angrily stomping away and decide to just leave it. I go back inside the former store and go straight to the staff room.

As I walk in Javdir looks at me with a worried look in his eyes. Looking down I see him kneeling over Sam, who is sitting with his knee up, with a small bandage. I quickly assess the situation and guess Sam somehow slightly skinned his knee. Before I can move though Sam jumps up and runs over to me, hugging me around the middle. I pat his head and lead him back to Javdir.
"So trouble maker what'd you do to your knee?" I ask jokingly.
"I skinned it..." Sam says with his head down.
"Well I can see that, but how?" I ask softly.
"I fell on some concrete."
"Well let's get you fixed up." I say sitting beside Javdir. As Javdir goes to put the bandage on Sam I look at him skeptically.
"Don't worry I've already disinfected the cuts." Javdir says, putting the bandage on Sam. I get up and Javdir and Sam follow suit, following me out of the room. I walk over to my stuff and gear up with what Javdir hasn't taken to the Pontiac. Slightly wincing at the weight I walk through the isles trying to find supplies. After checking the hunting section I go to the hardware section.

Finding nothing in either section worth taking I go to the camping section. There I find a box of canteens that filter dirty water into clean and take three. I also find some MREs on the opposite isle and decide to find a heavy duty backpack. I look through the rest of the isles finding nothing but junk and deformed lumps of god knows what. Slightly pissed that there was barely anything worth getting I look around for a cardboard box for the MREs that I found.

After looking around for about five minutes I find two small boxes on a shelf of a checkout counter. Going back to the isle with the MREs I start packing the boxes full. After that I yell for Javdir and a few seconds later I see him jogging torwards me. I hand him a box and he gives me a questioning look.
"It's full of MREs." I say.
"Oh okay, do you want me to carry both?" Javdir asks.
"Nah I got it."
"You sure?"
"Yea I'm hurt but not that hurt." I respond with a short glare. Nodding once Javdir turns and heads for the door, me following him. As we approach the Pontiac I see that its running and peeking inside I see Sam curled in the backseat. I smile to myself and put my box in the trunk beside Javdir's.

I glance around the surrounding area and start looking through the stuff in the trunk so I can get the rest of my gear on. I do a once over and make sure the safety is on for my guns. While walking to the driver's door I adjust the straps for my holsters just so they're not loose. I step into the car grunting as I settle down in the seat. I sigh slowly, take an angry deep breath in and out, and put the Pontiac in reverse.

Practically slamming on the gas we launch backwards and I turn the wheel hard slamming it into drive for a J-turn. Easy to say I'm pissed and don't feel like laying in the backseat idle. I look over to Javdir who has a worried look on his face and sigh shaking my head slightly. I then look in the rearview mirror and see Sam still asleep. I decide it's for the better to not wake him up yet so I put on some old alternative rock and lay off the gas.

I take a deep breath to steady myself and steer in the direction of my bunker. Swerving around a row of melted cars I look over and see a dead body with blood pooled around it. I abruptly stop the Pontiac and get out to investigate, Javdir following suit. As I approach the body I kneel over it, examining three holes in the chest. As Javdir approaches me I state the obvious.
"He's dead looks like three point blank shots to the chest, it's recent."
"How recent?"
"I don't know, that's why you're here."
"True." Javdir says kneeling and putting his fingers to the body's neck.
"T.O.D. about thirty minutes ago." Javdir says looking around.
"Poor bastard, we need to get out of here before we're next." I say limping back to the Pontiac. I wait until Javdir is back in then put it in drive. I continue on the same road for a while until I see a lot of wreckage blocking the way. Seeing only two ways to go I turn the wheel right and keep heading in the direction of the bunker. Finally I start to recognize the area and speed up in the direction of the bunker.

Just as I start slowing down near the bunker bullets start ricocheting off the hood of the Pontiac. I quickly swerve away from the gunfire so as to not take any chances.
"Shit!" Javdir yells as someone runs in front of us. Not slowing down I run him over, the bump making Sam fly up. I look in the rearview and see five or six people running after us with guns and a bleary-eyed Sam sitting up.
"Get back down Sam!" I yell in a concerned tone as I do a U-turn.
"W-what's going on?" Sam asks while getting back down.
"Bad guys, now buckle up too!" I say speeding up at the shooters. With bullets ricocheting all over the Pontiac I pull the E-brake and turn the wheel sharp right. I take out two of five shooters and unhooking my sawed-off I open the door. Immediately I clench my teeth and jump out landing on my side, I then roll into cover bullets barely missing me the whole time. I duck out of cover for a few seconds so I can pinpoint the locations of the survivors and start moving.

I sneak around some melted blobs of what used to be cars and go behind the three. After three quick shots three bodies drop and blood pools. I limp walk back to the Pontiac and heft myself back in breathing heavily. I look down and see blood seeping through my shirt and look to Javdir.
"Let's just get in the bunker before I pass out, okay?" I mutter as I undo the E-brake.

A/N: sorry it's been so long since I updated... school and depression along with a hint of writer's block has given me a lot of trouble... thanks for all the support monduft so far you're the only commenter and you've given me a lot of reason to keep on writing...

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