Part 7: So What If The Kid's A Mutant?

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Upon knocking on his door Javdir yells.
"What the hell do you want?"
"For you to watch your language and get out here." I say calmly, glancing at Sam.
"Just let me sleep Jackson!"
"Trust me it's much more important than your so called 'beauty sleep'." At my words Sam giggles quietly, making me smile.
"Yea right, what's so important then?"
"Get your lazy bum up and come find out."
"Fine then, but if it's just some stupid ass shit then I'm gonna shoot you!"
"Once again, language."
"Language, pshh like your one to talk!"
"Just hurry up."
"Yea yea, now what?" He says opening the door and looking straight at me. Without a single word I point down at sam, who is standing beside me gripping my shirt again.
"Jackson..... why is there a kid in here?"
"I found him in the garage."
"Ok, but why did you bring him in here?"
"To help him, now we need to run some tests."
"Ok, let's go get started then." Finally with Javdir leading the way we go to the lift and head up in my Firebird, Sam riding in the backseat. Making Sam buckle up I drive over to the corpse of Ricky and get out. Going over to him I check for the key for the energy lock and anything else worth anything. I find the key and in his jacket I find a flask full of what smells like whiskey. Finding nothing else I go back to the car and start driving to my main bunker.

After around five minutes we arrive and I park the car outside the ruins. I walk over to the hatch and find it disturbed. Signaling to Javdir and Sam to be quiet, I slowly take out my hunting pistol out of its holster. I motion them to follow slowly and make my way around the house moving out of camera point. Finding nothing we go back the way we came and I move the rubble and slowly open the hatch.

I slowly slide down the ladder, Javdir sliding next just incase to try and keep Sam safe. Hitting the bottom rung of the ladder I slowly step off and hold my pistol with both hands. I open the door to get in the base and start checking rooms. I clear all the rooms and head to the main room where Javdir and Sam are waiting. Putting my gun back in its holster I tell them there's no one here.
After I head to the camera room, Sam following me.

After reviewing the tapes and finding the obvious culprits (Ricky and the faceless mutant), I go to the med bay with Sam clutching the back of my shirt as usual. Opening the door I see Javdir setting up equipment and upon seeing us he grabs a needle. Starting to shiver Sam hides behind me muttering how he hates shots.

"It's not a shot bud, you're getting blood drawn." Javdir says trying to be comforting.
"B-but that's worse!" Sam says, tears swelling in his eyes.
"Hey Sam don't worry I'm here, you can squeeze my hand if it hurts ok?" I say kneeling in front of him.
"O-okay..." I lead him to a medical bed and help him up. Javdir gets a strap and ties it around Sam's upper arm then after finding a sufficient vein, wipes it with an alcohol wipe. Sam winces and squirms as the needle goes in his arm and starts drawing blood.

"Okay this sample is going to take a couple hours to fully analyze, so what next?"
"Well we could scavenge for supplies I guess, but what about Sam?"
"Well Jackson, I guess since he won't leave your side he's coming with us."
"Makes sense I suppose, well let's head out I guess." With Sam and Javdir trailing behind me I climb up the ladder and head toward the Firebird. I get Sam in the backseat and before I can get in Javdir taps my shoulder and motions for a private talk. Telling Sam me and Javdir need to talk I shut the car door and turn around to hear what he has to say.
"Look Jackson... I don't know if you noticed but there's something about that kid that strikes me as different."
"Well he survived the apocalypse so no duh he's got stuff different."
"No, what I mean is I think there's something wrong about him."
"Like what?" I say while narrowing my eyes.
"Like genetically, look I think he may be a mutant."
"And what makes you think that?"
"How else would a kid like him survive?"
"That doesn't prove anything."
"Look I know you've gotten attached to him, but if the kid's a mutant then we have to put him down."
"Like hell you will!"
"If he's a mutant he's endangering us all!"
"I don't give a shit! So what if the kid's a mutant?"
"You already knew?" He says starting to look frightened.
"Yea and I'm not letting you kill him."
"We have no choice."
"Yea we do, we can run tests and try and keep him sane and in control!"
"And what make a controlled killing machine?"
"No that's not it... I just want to keep him safe ok?"
"I know you lost your kid but he's not a replacement Jackson."
"I know that it's just that... no kid should have to go through that."
"What do you mean?"
"He remained sane but not his mother... she tried killing him and I don't think he knows it but I think he doesn't have a mother anymore, mutant or otherwise."
"Well shit... now why did you want me to run that test if you already knew he's a mutant?"
"I want to find out how many mutagens are in him and if we can stop the spread."
"Ok, good enough so let's get going."
"Okay" Climbing into the car I look back at Sam to see him looking upset.
"What's wrong bud?"
"A-am I in trouble?"
"No me and Javdir just had to have an adult chat."
"O-ok." Sam says looking relieved. I turn back around in my seat and start the engine. 

A/N: Sorry it's been so long since I updated on this or my other stories I've been dealing with depression so yea... good meds equal good head so prescriptions help I guess lol

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