Part 2: Just The Beginning

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I awake to hear a faint beeping from one of my moniters. I feel extremely exhausted and kinda stir to the noise. I struggle to step by step get myself back up as images form in my head of what happened yesterday. With each memory my head reels and the room spins, making me want to throw up. I can't seem to shake the thing's face or lack there of, it just seems so fucked up.

I finally struggle to get up and check my monitors just to see a couple mutants. Once again I see the grenade guy goin for the mutants for some reason. I decide I'm gonna track the guy and question him later. But as the grenade detonates it once again takes out a camera. At this I further decide it's gonna be sooner than later.

I walk out of my camera room and into my food store. I get some frozen rations to cook and eat just so I don't puke my guts up. I feel like shit and have no idea what to do next. I decide to repair my cameras and set new ones up where I can't repair the old ones. I eat fast and decide to bring some dry rations with me.

I hear another beeping and sigh knowing that guy is going to show up again. This time I see him with a sword and curious tap some buttons so that it can be analyzed by the camera. A small monitor reads that it is made of poly-fiber, carbon metal, and nanotubes. Having such materials I go to my 3D printer and enter the diagnostics for the sword as well as the materials. Unlike the guy's sword however, mine is engraved and has a sheath.

I smile at this thought as it all gets finished and I put a leather strap on the sheath. I put the strap through my leftmost belt loop and over my shoulder. I adjust the tightness of the strap and grab the rest of my gear. I decide to take not just my Honcho Tactical Triple(The before mentioned sawed-off) but as well my Taurus Raging Hunter(Hunting pistol) and Colt CM901(Assault rifle). I get my gas mask and goggles back on and head out, checking the cameras and getting a backpack on the way.

I climb through the hatch and see that atleast part of my house is fine, thankfully mostly the parts around the bunker entrance. I put in one of my earbuds and unclip my sawed-off keeping it in one hand. Before I head out of the wreckage of my former home I cover the hatch with some rubble. I head out of the wreckage being careful to keep quiet. I play some old heavy rock at low volume and strain my right ear for any noises.

I go through what used to be the downtown area and see some lights moving ahead. I quickly turn down an alley and ready my sawed-off. As I see a shadow I turn holding my gun to the head of the closest of the three. I recognize one of the back two as a mechanic I've had work on one of my prepper rigs. I decide to question them just in case they can be allys.

"So I know you." I say nodding my head at the mechanic.
"Well it doesn't matter if you know him or not." Says the middle one, acting as leader.
"Please John, calm down." The stranger on the left of the leader says quietly.
"Listen, 'John' was it?" I ask the leader.
"My name is none of your business freak."
"Ok, one more bad remark and you'll find your head blown off." I say losing my patience.
"Just try it asshole!" The leader yells spitting in my face.
"Ok your choice dumbass." At these words I pull the trigger and bits of his head go flying on his friends.
"Now I didn't want to do that but I still know atleast one of you will cooperate, correct?"
"Why should we cooperate with you?" The stranger yells.
"Because it's that or die." I say simply
"Then just try and kill me!" The stranger says reaching for his gun, but before he can hold it properly I shoot him twice in the gut splitting him in half.
"Damn Jackson, I know you said if the world went to shit you'd have no mercy but wasn't that a bit much?"
"If I need to I'll show you a bit too much by adding you, but I'd rather not have to do that Javdir."
"Well either way you were right so I guess I owe you for how you made me build a bunker for myself as well as you."
"Well before we get going I have a couple questions."
"Go ahead and ask away Jackson."
"First off have you seen a guy like this?" At this I pull out my phone and show him the picture of the grenade guy.
"No I can't say I have, why what did he do?"
"Took out a couple of my cameras and shove grenades down mutants throats."
"Damn Jackson, how the hell do you find these kind of people?"
"Trust me I'd rather not Javdir."
"Well what else do you have, another mutant slayer?"
"Not that I know of, but a.... well I don't know what to call him, but a faceless man in an overcoat visited me."
"What do you mean visited you?"
"In my bunker, whatever it was, it had powers to freeze time and me."
"Are you sure you weren't drunk or high?"
"I don't hallucinate under the influence Javdir, ok?" I say pointing my gun.
"Ok I understand, no need to raise a temper Jackson, now is there anything else?"
"Yea he said, 'This is just the beginning' to me and knocked me out or something."
"What do you think he meant?"
"Hell if I fuckin' know he was cryptic as fuck"
"Well I don't know anything about it, so do you want to head out?"
"Yea, let's go to where the garage was, see if it's still standing."

Finally we start to head out towards the garage remnants, stepping over the bodies. Going down the road we see a big wall of clouds in the distance so we keep a tight timeline. Going in the garage we get some tools and go onto the lift. Thankfully the controls still work and we go down. When we get to the bottom of the lift I walk to one of my cars and just as I'm about to get in I see a familiar figure in the driver side mirror.

"I see you made a friend Mr. Rayner, but I'm afraid I might need to kill Mr. Unako as he is not part of the plan."

A/N Sorry about the cliffhanger.

The Year 5066Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora