Part 13: Destruction And Salvation

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I slowly pull up to the remains of my house and put the Pontiac in park. Immediately I shut it off and hop out taking my assault rifle off my shoulder. With Javdir and Sam following as usual I walk to the hatch and once again find it disturbed. Knowing the close proximity of the now deceased survivors I figure it was them. I slowly open the hatch and slide silently down the ladder and wait for Javdir and Sam until I move on.

Just as I'm about to open the door I notice that its slightly open and signal for Javdir and Sam to go back up. Javdir shakes his head and Sam looks at me with an odd determination in his eyes. I glare at both of them for a few seconds and silently sigh before signaling for Javdir to get his gun. I then get close to Sam's ear and whisper for him to stay behind me and Javdir. Sam nods his head and I reach in one of my pockets for a small knife.

Pulling it out I see Sam's eyes light up as I hand him the smallest folding knife I have on me. I then pull him close and whisper in his ear again, telling him to take it out only if me and Javdir get hurt bad. Nodding vigorously Sam pockets it and backs away from the door at my signal. I then approach the door with Javdir and after a short countdown kick it open. Immediately I see atleast six people with raised guns, my guns.

"Looks like we got company boys." Says one of them while standing up.
"Actually I think it's the other way around." I respond short and to the point.
"Oh? And why is that may I ask?" Asks another guy who appears to be the leader.
"Because this is my bunker under my house." I say simply.
"Well then if it is yours we can simply kill you and it will be ours, correct?" The possible leader asks.
"I've already killed five guys today let's not add to the list unless we have to." I say narrowing my eyes.
"Wait, you think you can beat us?" He asks laughing.
"Not think..." I say with a smile.
"Well you may want to think about it first Mr. Rayner." Says a voice behind me.
"What the hell is that?" Yells the leader.
"You..." I say after turning around.
"Yes Mr. Rayner, now how about a trade?" The faceless mutant asks holding Sam at knife point.
"What do you want from us now?" I ask fiercely.
"Oh nothing much..." He says cryptically.
"Just spit it out!" I snarl.
"The men behind you."
"What the fuck do you want from us?" The leader asks.
"Your lives of course." The faceless man says simply.
"Just leave Sam out of this if you only want them." I say narrowing my eyes again.
"Ah, but why should I leave my bargaining chip Mr. Rayner?"
"Listen do you know who we are?" The leader interrupts.
"Members of the Phoenix Corporation." The faceless man says bitterly.
"Well if you know who we are then you should know how dangerous we are!" The leader spats out.
"Yes, you are a weak and abandoned faction left for dead." The faceless man says slowly.
"Take that back you faceless fuck!" Yells one of the other guys.
"Listen, how about all of you leave my bunker and take it above ground." I say trying to stay calm.
"Stay out of this asshole!" Says the leader.
"Listen, I'll give you one more chance to leave and stop cussing before I splatter your head." I say with a manic glint in my eyes.
"Yea and why should I stop cussing?" The leader says narrowing his eyes at me.
"Because if you haven't noticed there's a kid present." I say simply.
"So the fuck what!" The leader says thoroughly making me pissed. Not missing a beat I pull the trigger and after a quick burst of gunfire his corpse is cold on the ground.
"Now anyone else?" I say looking around at the group's stunned faces.
"Ah... it seems you have made a decision Mr. Rayner to ruin my plans, that is unless it was perhaps a involuntary reaction?" The faceless man says with a strange deadliness to his voice.
"Involuntary or not he deserved it." I say glaring at the corpse.
"Good, now leave." The faceless man says letting go of Sam.
"I need some of my medical supplies first, no exceptions." I say turning to him.
"They'll be waiting outside." He says.
"Fine but you're cleaning them up, c'mon Javdir." I say moving past the faceless creep and beside Sam.
"Now where did we leave off gentlemen?" I hear the faceless man say as I move up the ladder as best I can.
"So why do you think he let us go?" Javdir asks as I close the hatch.
"Priority." I say with a snarl.
"Huh?" Javdir and Sam say in almost perfect unison.
"He has us lower on his list of priorities." I say standing and stretching my back.
"What kind of priorities?" Javdir asks.
"It's obvious, he means to eliminate everyone." I say simply
"What?" Javdir practically yells out.
"If you'll wait and listen, the fact of the matter he is operating on a list of priorities which we are currently low on." I explain.
"How do you know all of this?" Javdir asks.
"He told me, and before you ask not in person." I say.
"But how if he didn't say anything?" Sam asks.
"Good question Sam, it's because of body language and indiscreet communication." I say.
"What kind of indiscreet communication?" Javdir asks looking confused.
"Well it was the tone of his voice." I say.
"That's all?" Sam asks cocking his head.
"Yea and we got a lead on who to find." I say.
"Yea, who now Jackson?" Javdir says sarcastically.
"The Phoenix Corporation." I say simply.
"Ok I'm out on this one Jackson." Javdir says shaking his head.
"Well I wasn't meaning now, got too many problems at the moment." I say sitting on a portion of messed up wall.
"Good because if you remember you're not only injured but you've also got a kid to take care of." Javdir says crossing his arms.
"Yea I do know so just patch me up already."
"Whatever you say Jackson." Javdir says sarcastically.
"Trust me I know what I'm doing okay?"
"Yeah I hope so..."

A/N: It's been a good while since I updated so here's a shortish one... the reason if anyone wonders why I say it is shortish is because my goal is to have at least 1200 to 1500 words per update as my status quo for this story.

The Year 5066Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon