Part 14: Remnants Of Humanity

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After about twenty minutes I'm finally healed for the most part and my limp is gone. With the use of a Nano Enhanced Emergency Healing Administrative Dose or N.E.E.H.A.D. shot, my cells regenerate using nano technology. However the N.E.E.H.A.D shot is only useful after external bleeding is stopped or delayed. I hear debris moving and think nothing of it until I hear it again but closer. I slowly stand up, draw my hunting pistol, and move almost silently to where the noise is coming from.

I move forward around some debris and make myself known. I quickly analyze the person and before I can get a word out I'm hit with a taser bolt. Unaffected I simply rip it out and hold up my hunting pistol.
"Shoot me one more time and you won't live to see tomorrow." I say.
"B-but how?" The masked girl asks.
"How what?" I ask back.
"How aren't you paralyzed?" She asks.
"Doesn't matter." I say.
"J-just let me in the stash house!" She says fiercely.
"Trust me you don't want to see the bloodbath kid."
"Y-you killed them all?" She says deflating.
"Nope but you don't want to see what did, so I suggest you run far away from here."
"B-but they-"
"Doesn't matter now run." I say cutting her off. She turns and runs off out of sight and I go back inside of the shambles of my house.
Dark thoughts run around my head as I know I need to protect my bunker. I clench my fists and feel veins popping up all over my arms. As I walk to where Javdir and Sam are waiting I stop dead in my tracks.

My mind goes blank as I try to figure out what is wrong and why I feel like this. That's when it snaps in place that I'm smelling blood. Immediately I rush towards where they were, pistol drawn and ready to shoot. As I walk through the dilapidated doorway I find a scene that stops me. Javdir is facedown on the ground and Sam is being held up in the air by his throat by a mutant.

I see Sam look at me and apparently noticing this the mutant turns. The mutant throws Sam to the side, slamming him into a wall. Before I can react the mutant rushes forward and hits me hard enough for me to go flying through a wall. Quickly I get up and raise my gun but before I can shoot, the damned thing rushes forward and disarms me. Wasting no time I unclip my sawed-off and angling it up pull the trigger, effectively blowing the mutant in half.

I hurry through the hole in the wall I was just thrown through and then run to Sam. I see his left arm at an odd angle and seeing blood on the ground beside him I rush back to the medical kit. Grabbing the kit I stop by Javdir and check if he has a pulse and seeing that he does I estimate that he's only unconscious. As I hurry back to Sam another fast mutant tackles me to the floor and throws my gun across the room. I feel the mutant start choking me and see it has some sort of crazed smile on its twisted face.

I struggle and after freeing my right arm I punch the thing in the face and off of me. The mutant gives off a god awful shriek that gives me a bad feeling in my gut. I quickly unsheath one of my knives and slit its throat to stop its shriek. I then stab it through the eye to quickly kill it and rush back to Sam, picking him up under my arm. I then go to the Pontiac, put him in the front seat, and after buckling him up I go back to Javdir.

As I run back in sheath my knife back so I can pick up Javdir, however just as I enter the room a mutant tackles me down. Before the damned thing can choke me I grab its head and slam my knee into it, making it go cross-eyed. I then quickly get up, grab its head and slam it into a doorframe until blackish-red is pouring out of its face. I look around and grab my sawed-off from a corner and clip it to my belt. Finally I get to Javdir and without interference I get him in the backseat of the Pontiac.

I hear scuffling noises surrounding the area and quickly go back to the ruins of my house to find my hunting pistol. After finding it I hear running noises so I run to get in the Pontiac. I try and get in but then I'm partially drug out by a mutant that I shoot between the eyes. After getting in and closing the door I stomp on the gas while helping Sam buckle up. I look back in the rearview mirror and see around twenty mutants that look similar chasing us.

I turn into what used to be an alleyway and into a building that's off its foundation and leaning on another. I crash through several floors all the while going steadily upwards through the multistory complex. I gasp in surprise as the glass I was driving on breaks and we fall a few feet onto the roof of the building below. After a short pause where I look around to assess where to go next, I drive off the two story building and onto a partially collapsed overpass. I look back and see the mutants running in a different direction and I guess they found easier prey.

After some time I pull off the highway and start heading for the garage. As I pull onto the lift I press the button for it to go down and after parking I send it back up to seal us in. First I get out and carry Sam to a bed, then I half carry Javdir into the same room. I help Sam out of his shirt and although his chest is covered in dried blood, I see no wounds or even scrapes. I look at his left arm and see it's covered in bruises and his forearm looks completely shattered.

I look in the medical kit and see I still have a couple N.E.E.H.A.D. shots and easily decide to use one on Sam. As I bring the needle close he starts trying to flinch away so I pat his head and say it's the same stuff that helped me. After saying that he loosens up slightly and I look around his arm to find a spot that would help the shot work best. I find a vein close to his wrist so the nanobots can work on healing his shattered forearm. I tell Sam to keep his arm straight and check Javdir's pulse again.

With everything normal I choose a bed and sit so I can monitor everything. After about half an hour I decide to lay down and go to sleep. As I fall asleep I know I'm about to have dreams of my past and sigh, turning over to sleep in a better position. Then for a while there was only darkness.

A/N: Just a regular ol' update for y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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