Part 10: Jim's Hardware And Groceries

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A/N: Back to Jackson's POV

I pull off what used to be a highway and onto a side road heading for the ruins of a local supply market. About five minutes later I pull into the parking lot with weeds growing all over it. I park near the main entrance and turn to see Sam waking up from what seems like another bad dream.
"You okay Sam?" I ask.
"Y-yeah." He responds
"Ya sure? If you need to you can talk about it I'll listen."
"M-maybe later..."
"Well anytime you wanna I'm open bud." I say as I turn to Javdir.
"I'll go in first, then Sam in the middle, then you bringing up the rear incase of an ambush." I say as I put the car in park and shut it off. I open the door and slide the seat up so Sam can get out. I walk over to the door and find it chained and padlocked. Holding back my string of cuss words I go to the trunk of the Pontiac and get out my scrap hammer. Javdir cocks his head slightly sideways as I lift the giant hammer and slam it into the chain locked door.

After one more hit the door bursts open with a loud bang. I motion for them to follow as I drop the hammer and pull my pistol. I slowly go down an isle my gun raised and see red eyes in the darkness of a shelf. I yell for Sam and Javdir to go back out the door as I'm tackled to the ground by a skinny mutant. I look back to see Javdir dragging Sam back out the door and just before I get stabbed in the gut I shoot its head.

I get up fast and shoot another mutant in the chest. I run for the door but a group of mutants start blocking the way. Turning around I push a mutant out of the way then shoot it heading for the staff room. With about ten mutants banging on the door I lock it and notice a pain in my side. I look down and see what looks like a sharp piece of bone sticking out of my right side.

I limp slightly around the room and block the door with a chair for now. I continue limping around the room looking for any medical supplies. I hear the cheap chair cracking at the force of all the mutants slamming into the door. Looking around I see a door and gun first I pull it open just to reveal a small closet. Taking my chances I close the door and after putting my hunting pistol back in it's holster I take my assault rifle off my shoulder.

I aim right at the door as I hear the chair give a huge crack. As the door opens I immediately open fire and pain shoots through my gut and left arm. I see what shoots the thin spikes of bone and memorize it quickly. Parts of bone showing and huge veins pulsing over a skinny, ragged body. I see the spikes are coming from rounded holes where hands should have been.

After memorizing it enough to draw it down I shoot back at it with my rifle, effectively filling it with holes. As it falls back it shoots its last two shots taking a chunk off the top of my right ear and a spike in my right leg. Starting to get dizzy I don't lay off the trigger until all the mutants in the doorway are dead. After I shoot the last mutant through the eye I fall to the ground coughing up blood. I do a check on my body and count five spikes sticking out of me.

"Javdir!" I yell while coughing up blood. My vision going hazy I see him come through the doorway with a worried look and hear him gasp.
"Don't let Sam see me..." I mutter with blood trickling out the corners of my mouth.
"G-get away from m-me!" I hear Sam yell from outside and force myself up through the pain. Stumbling through the doorway I see Sam backing away from the faceless mutant.
"You get the hell away from Sam you faceless freak!" I yell.
"I see you got yourself in some trouble hmm?" The faceless man says slowly.
"I said get away from him!" I growl out while raising my assault rifle.
"No more games Mr. Rayner, I'm done playing with you." The faceless man responds slowly and menacingly.
"What the hell do you mean?"
"What I mean Mr. Rayner is that you are a toy I no longer have the satisfaction of playing with anymore."
"I'm not your fucking toy!" I say pulling the trigger.
"Nice try Mr. Rayner." The faceless man says raising his hand. All of the sudden the bullets stop and turn torwards Sam.

"No!" I yell limping fastly torwards the now again moving bullets. Unable to make it I collapse to the floor my hand reaching torwards Sam. I see Sam close his eyes putting his hands in front of himself. That's when the bullets bounce as if by an invisible force field and head straight for the faceless man. I see them enter and exit him, his skin and clothes unscathed.

The faceless man takes a step forward slowly torwards Sam with his cane knife out. That's when Javdir takes my rifle and starts shooting at the faceless man. I see the bullets pass through the wretched mutant and see the skin and clothes simply reform. I start seeing stars as I cough up blood in large amounts. I see the faceless man grab Sam by the hair and pull him up into the air.

He raises his knife and as he's about to plunge it into Sam's gut he flies backwards. Sam falls to the ground curling into a ball as the faceless man gets up.
"Just fucking stop!" I yell coughing up more blood.
"Whether you want it or not this wretched abomination will die!" The faceless man says in a booming raspy voice.
"His life is not your choice!"
"Nor is it yours Mr. Rayner, whether you like it or not I will purge this world of the plague called humanity!"
"Says the one who was once human too!"
"I will give you one more chance to entertain me but if you don't then the next time I appear I will show no mercy!"
"You say enough of our games but all you say we are is entertainment..." I mutter with blood pouring out of my mouth.
"The only reason I'm giving you and your quote on quote friends a chance is because of your injuries Mr. Rayner."
"Just keep away from Sam you bastard..." I say my body going numb.
"Very well for the time being anyways, now good day Mr. Rayner." He says as he disappears. I feel myself fade in and out of consciousness as my body keeps draining itself of blood. As my vision keeps going blurry I see Sam walk over to me and kneeling he cries.
"What did I say about being strong Sam?" I mutter trying to smile comfortingly while blood trickles out the corners of my mouth.
"B-but I c-can't w-without you J-Jackie..." He says with huge tears falling down his face.
"I'm not gone yet Sam... I'll get better, just stay strong for me... ok?" I ask coughing slightly and fading out of consciousness.
"O-o-ok I'll t-try..." He mutters.
"Good boy..." I say slowly as I barely Javdir coming over with all sorts of medical supplies.
"Stay with me Jackson." Javdir says as I start to lose consciousness.
"C-can you h-help h-him?" I hear Sam say.
"Yes because before I was a mechanic I was a medic... I've seen worse stuff before." I hear Javdir respond sadly.
"J-just help him p-please..." I hear Sam mutter before I fully pass out.

A/N: Sorry it's been so long since I updated... school sucks.

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