Part 4: The Grenadier

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AN/ This story start is Not in Jackson Rayner's POV, instead it is in the Grenadier that has been mentioned throughout. Two last things. One, don't hate on him because he's just doing what he thinks is right, and two WARNING: Suicidal mentions and tendencies like cutting and self-deprecation

My name is Jonathan Rick Astaire. People usually call me either Jonny or Ricky, atleast when there was still people. I grab my M4 with its M203 grenade launcher attachment and get a bandolier with ammo cartridges and spare grenades. You may think I look like I'm preparing for a war but no, I was a grenadier in the army so it's just what i specialize in. I've seen mutants even before I moved to this place and even though these ones are docile so far I've seen what they turn into.

Let's just say once they evolve enough only grenades stop 'em, usually when shoved down the throat or else their skin would keep them alive. The mutants aren't nowhere near pretty or nice as I've seen them, let's just say there's a reason only I was sent here. In the other state my whole squad was slaughtered at a holding point while I was out on patrol. I've developed a taste for killin' them, but I'm doin' it for the better. If the government would just stop droppin' bombs all over the damn place then the mutant freaks wouldn't be all over the place.

I'm tired of them all and I know I can't keep making grenades for them all. I keep thinkin' of takin' my life before those bastards can. I know I shouldn't but the urge, the temptation, the pure utter want to just end it is so strong that it's in my mind all day and night. My dreams are plagued with visions of my slaughtered squad and the mutants that did it. They were just standing around until I walked in the encampment, once they saw me they immediately went for the attack lunging toward me with sharp bladed fingers.

Once I realized what happened I used the under barrel grenade launcher on my M4 and while doing a tactical retreat started firing grenades. I realized my current tactic on how to put the grenades in their mouths when a grenade I was aiming at their waist went off course into their mouth. After goin' into its stomach the whole abomination exploded and from then on I knew what to do with the thick skinned bastards. I know I need to rid the world of these monsters, but I don't know if I can convince myself to keep goin'. I take my curved combat knife out of its sheath and start my daily coping skill, however negative cutting is.

I self-depreciate while I cut myself feeling absolutely worthless. I don't know why I try anyways because in the end there's too many against me. Even if there were still regular humans around I don't think they would give a shit about me. Even if they did why should they? At this last thought I cut deeper than I did beforehand with all the others.

Why should they care when I can't even do what I was assigned here to do? I keep cutting deeper and deeper until I start to feel dizzy from blood loss. Once the dizziness starts I always stop. I know if I keep cutting that deep after that I will bleed out. I get some bandages and pop one painkiller to numb the pain but not make it vanish.

I just don't know why I keep doin' this to myself with this everyday routine. It hurts but the pain keeps me here, keeps me alive, and just as well it kills me all the same. All the people I loved are dead, so why ain't I yet? I wish someone could answer me on this subject but with no one around I'm goin' more and more insane with each passing day. I know I'm getting farther and farther away from what I want, but i just can't stop.

"I know I can't keep doing this." I mutter out knowing that no one is alive to hear me. Except instead I hear a deep voice and immediately jump up, grabbing my gun.
"Well Mr. Astaire, you seem to be destabilizing are you not?"
"Who the fuck are you?" I yell getting an itchy trigger finger.
"I have no name unlike you, now Mr. Astaire I do believe we have some business to attend to."
"Turn around."
"Excuse me, but why should I do that?"
"It don't fuckin' matter now does it? Now turn the fuck around!"
"And what if I do not do that Mr. Astaire?"
"Then you'll have to deal with being a fuckin' corpse won't you?"
"Bullets won't hurt me and neither will your grenades, even if they are shoved down my throat."
"You're a fuckin' mutant aren't you? You better get the fuck out now bitch before I fill you full of holes!"
"There's no need for violence, I simply want you to do something for me."
"And why the fuck should I do that?"
"Because you're not alone here with mutants, however I think you should be."
"If there's others that aren't monsters like you then why should I kill them?"
"Because if not, you will be the one that is dead, Mr. Astaire."
"Is that a fuckin' threat mutant?"
"No, I am simply making a promise."
"Is that so, huh bitch?"
"Yes, and I will be taking my leave now Mr. Astaire."
"Like fucking hell you are!" I yell out, as he turns however he vanishes into thin air but not before I saw a glimpse of what his face is. His face chilled me to the bone as it was like a flat flesh colored mask. There was no eyes, no nose, no mouth, and no face to speak of. There was something ethereal about him and I know he's fuckin' unstoppable compared to me. I sigh as I get up knowing the impossible statement he made will come true.
"What the fuck do I do?" I yell out throwing a box full of junk a couple feet. I decide fuck it and get back into my military-issued  bunker and into the armory. I strap on my exoskeleton and hook in the neural cord into my neck's neural port. Now having full control over the exoskeleton I wire my holomap onto my wrist. And finally I put on my custom plated steel armor for my exoskeleton and as well put on my helmet.

Flipping on the night vision mode on my visor I then get my custom and highly classified experimental laser bolt rifle. I switch my M203 grenade launcher onto the bolt rifle and get some extra energy cartridges. As I step back outside it's night as I predicted and I know that I'm now on the hunt. As I'm about to head out I hear that dreadful mutant's voice again.

"Oh and Mr. Astaire?"
"What the fuck do you want?"
"You will be hunting a man named Jackson Rayner"
"I recognize that name."
"He was a part of your squad, but I decided that I need the stronger of you two."
"Whatever, I'll do it."
"Oh yes, there is one last thing."
"Do not fail me or else you will never be good enough." At these final words he disappears and I'm left alone to my task.
I must kill Jackson and anyone with him.

A/N If y'all haven't figured it out yet the faceless man is the bad guy in the story. No spoilers about him will be revealed early I'm afraid, but however if I get help I may release character sheets for them all.

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