Part 5: Not Completely Alone

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A/N Back to Jackson's POV.

"Yea whatever." I say to Javdir as he's telling me to get off my ass and do something productive.
"You know Javdir you sound like a fuckin' mom."
"Just get the fuck up we need to get supplies and parts for the hover bike.
"What's wrong with my bike?"
"Well that's the problem, I don't know because it has power and gas but it won't start."
"Fine, let me take a look." I sigh out getting up. As I make my way to the bike I pop my earbuds in my ears and play some old rock.
I take some armor plating off the gas tank and tinker with the starter for a while. I see how there are pistons that don't want to move, meaning that the quantum engine won't turn over and start. I grease the pistons and try to start it again, hearing a slight off tune buzz in the engine. I cuss a string of cuss words after it stalls out again.

I check the energy flow meter and see that while giving energy to the starter that the quantum engine isn't giving energy anywhere else. I note that fact and go around to the energy capacititator and while tinkering with that I find the energy cell is blocked by a energy lock that I feel a certain someone named Javdir put there.
"Javdir, get your ass over here now!" I yell, now thoroughly pissed.
"What did you figure out what's wrong with it?"
"Yea, a fuckin' energy lock!"
"Wait what?"
"You fuckin' heard me, now come undo what the fuck you did!"
"I didn't fucking do it, why in hell do you think I would do something stupid like that?"
"If it wasn't you then who the hell was it?" Just then a familiar voice interrupts me.
"Well Mr. Rayner, I see you found me out."
"You fuckin' bastard you better unlock it now!"
"I'm sorry but I'm afraid I do not have the key, but I do however know who does."
"And who the hell is that?"
"Well why would I tell you when surely you would try to kill them?"
"What are you trying to say?"
"Well let's just say that the pawn is one of the most important peices in chess."
"Enough of your fuckin' riddles, I'm tired of them so just tell me what you want and go away!"
"Well Mr. Rayner I want you to fight one of your old squad mates."
"No one survived that massacre but me."
"Yes, Mr. Astaire seems to think the same thing."
"There's no way Ricky's alive."
"Yes he is, and I want you to fight him so I may see who is stronger."
"There's no fuckin' way I'm killin' Ricky!"
"Then he will kill you, good day Mr. Rayner." At his final words he vanishes like always and I look over to Javdir. He just shakes his head and heads over to the camera room to see if the cloud has passed. As I join him in the room he says simply "Jackson, we're fucked."
"No we're not Javdir."
"Yes we are because to find him you would have used your bike, now you can't and I have a feeling that we are already going to be found soon."
"Take a breath, we're going to be okay." After he calms down a little bit he asks "When he mentioned your squad, what happened?"
"I was in another state, long before I moved here for a fresh start. Me and my squad were at a holding point and fuckin' around. That's when the doors were burst open and a bunch of huge mutants ran in and started slicing us down. We tried to retreat but they started surrounding us. I barely made it out with my life, you always wondered where I got my face scar right? Well now you know a mutant slashed me. Anything else you want to know?"
"No that's more than enough."
"You sure Javdir? I can answer whatever right now."
"Fine, what's up with your sadistic ways of killing?"
"What do you mean?"
"Most of the time when you kill you smile."
"Ha, that's just cause I'm insane bud."
"Oh, I kinda thought there might be more to it."
"Nah killin' is just fun sometimes."
"Ok well that's your opinion, I'm going to rest my back."
"Ok I'll man the cameras I suppose." As Javdir walks away from me and I notice a shadow near him in the doorway. I yell as I see a blade go into his gut and immediately run over, pulling my hunting pistol as I go.
As I reach him he falls and I shoot at the retreating figure going up the lift. I shake Javdir to keep him awake and seeing his eyes start to close I "gently" slap him across the face. After his eyes go fully open I run to get the med kit and run back, sliding as I get beside him.

"C'mon man, stay with me or by whatever sick god is here I'll find you in the afterlife and kill you." I say as I stitch him up as he's going in and out of consciousness. I keep at making his wound better for around an hour. When he finally awakes he says just one sentence before sitting slightly upward. "Go after that bastard for me Jackson."
"Fine but I need to get you better."
"I'll be fucking fine just go!" He yells, coughing up some blood.
"Fine if you want me to go so bad I will." At these words I stand up and decide to go get better armor and steampunk style goggles. I put my hair into a bun and I get my skull gas mask. I shrug my combat jacket on and make sure I have all my weapons. Now ready I decide to head out to kill the fuck who did this to Javdir. I decide to take my old as fuck Indian bike so atleast I have something to go on.

I drive with one arm, the other has my sawed-off out and ready to unload three shells into someone. As I drive past an alleyway I see someone in an exoskeleton charging for me. Before I can shoot they ram into me sending me and the bike flying. Getting back up I point my gun and set it to individual shot to make my shots count better. As I fire my gun I see what looks like lazers going from the guy's odd shaped rifle.

After firing back and forth with both of us using up a lot of ammo I see a patch on his armor that reads: {Sgt. Jonathan Astaire}. I know after seeing this that I'm just doing what that mutant wants but I know if I fail, then I die. Getting out of cover I shoot his gun and a major component of his exoskeleton. With his gun destroyed and his exoskeleton locking up I put my gun away, unsheath my sword, and walk up to him.

"Well Jackson, looks like you won." He says head bowed, and continues on with:
"And since you won why don't you just end me already."
"Why should I do that Ricky?"
"Just fuckin' do it already!"
"No, if you want to be dead so bad do it your fuckin' self." I say, starting to walk away.
"Fine, I will." He says silently taking out a knife and slitting his throat. As I walk away I once again hear the voice of the damn mutant.
"Good job Mr. Rayner, you killed without getting your hands dirty. Very clever, but if it happens again it will be your life next."
"If you expect a fuckin' show then go to a goddamn theater, oh wait I forgot the apocalypse is here and they're all gone." I say sarcastically.
"Soon you will not laugh Mr. Rayner, very soon indeed."
"Fuck off you faceless creep." At my words he astonishingly disappears and I'm left alone going back to take care of Javdir.

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