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After Colin's and MC's Breakup after Colin accuse her of denounced him & Carter to CRA then one day when Colin ask her to stay after practice...

I and Adam are composing a tune, just his drums and my electric piano.
Doris and Colin is watching us, drinking beer each, but today is something off since Colin is staring at me which I am not sure why. I am confused because for over a month he behaved like a jerk with me as I am some old sock ready to go in the garbage. I tried to avoid looking at him. For over a month I am dragging myself to work, to home and to here for practice. Coming to Colin's house bring back so many memories which is damn painful. My heart aches whenever I set foot here.
Colin didn't even look at me that much for over a month and now suddenly he is staring at me as if I am the most precious thing in the world he adores. Which is of course a bull shit. But he looks somewhat tense tonight. I never tried to talk to him after he accused me of denouncing him and Carter to some shitty company. He thinks that lowly of me. I have become more passionate about practicing. I give three of them hell, I keep on practicing and they get tired. Doris didn't said anything nasty even after she learned about us instead she talks to me about other stuffs alot if I compare it to before how she behaved in the past! I thank her inwardly.
Matt left me alone and stopped asking me what happened since he has seen my irritated look and my ready to kill look. But he still tries to cheer me up everyday. It's just like Matt.

"I am going home, you guys practice, btw I like the combination. Bye boys, bye Rylee." Doris says leaving the room. Colin and I nod where as Adam bid her goodbye.

"Well Rylee it's enough for today, no?" Adam asks almost hesitant. He has also been a target of my mood swings and anger. The anger I feel towards Colin has gotten better of me and I gave to hell Matt and Adam since they are one try to cheer me up.
That jerk Colin is responsible. Colin has seen me as mess now, he knows what happens when you mess with me, I totally gave others hell he never once said a word to me or protested as he was a potential target too, he just comply when I made them practice over and over again. We gave concerts after our fight and not for once I sang with him, and he also didn't wait or asked me apart from the last one when I saw him look at me for an instant to see if I was willing to sing. After the fight in the backstage, I wanted to leave the band but it's Doris and Adam stopped me.

I sigh, "Okay Adam. Let's practice tomorrow."
I say removing the chords from the piano.
Adam smiled and turned to leave after giving Colin a nod.
"Um.. Adam?"
"It's late, will you able to drop me at mine?"
"Yeah... " Adam was cut off by Colin's interruption.
"We need to talk..."
Adam looks between us in turns and my eyes turned to the person who is showing sudden interest.
"It's late." I said coldly looking straight in his eyes. Colin looks at me, worried.
What has gotten into him?

"I will drop if you want after talking." he says.

"Okay I will leave you two." Adam leaves after winking at me.

"Asshole..." I mumbled glaring at the door he just went through.

I sigh and slide my fingers over the keys.

"Be fast... I don't have all night for you." I say caressing my piano.

Colin seems worried and irritated at the same time. He runs his hand through his hair, sign of nervousness. What is he worried or nervous about?
He came towards me and stand in front of my piano. I didn't look at him still sliding my fingers over the keys.

Wild And Intense (Is It Love? ONE SHOTS) Where stories live. Discover now