Chapter 1

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-A new beginning-

-Y/n's pov-

*sigh* I just got here and there is already trouble. I was on my way to go to company 8 where I was going to be in the fire force. But not even 5 minutes had passed and there already was Infernal. I had just witnessed it first hand. The fire forced had just taken care of the Infernal. There was also this person who had just saved the sister of the fire force. I overheard them talking apparently he was a 3rd gen his name was Shinra Kusakabe.

This might be an exciting time I'm looking forward to it. Nothing has ever been that exciting but once in a while I smile it's not that I'm emotionless just bored life is just boring. (Izuru who?) After a while of walking, I finally made it to the Special Fire Cathedral 8. To be honest I was expecting a tad bit more but oh well it is what it is.

"I thought Company 8 was new. So why's it quartered in such an old dump? Too bad." I heard the Shirna guys say. "You really shouldn't say that in front of the person who is second in command my dude." I said as I walked to him. "Huh? What do you mean?" he asked me. "You'll see." I respond. Not even a second later the door opened. "Shinra, right? And you must be Y/n? Follow me." The second in command said."An old dump, huh?" The man asked. "No! It's got character." Shirna said.

"Reporting in, sir!" Shinra said by that time we were already changed into the uniform. "Ah. You made it. I'm captain of the special Fire Force's Company 8. The name's Akitaru Obi." Captin Obi introduced himself. "You're greeting a new team member. Let's maybe get off the pullup bar." the second in command said. "Can do." responded the Captin. "Takehisa Hinawa. Around this dump, I'm second in command." Hinawa said.

And I could just feel the aura of Shinra showing that he was nervous. "So hey, Shinra. About your resume photo... Why are you smiling?" The Captin asked Shinra. "Sir! Apologies. When I'm nervous, my face compulsively tightens in such a way that my teeth are exposed. Uh, that is...I tend to smile when I feel tense. My face-" but Shinra was cut off by Capin Obi getting closer to Shinra until he smiled.

Honestly, Shinra could have just said that he smiles when he gets nervous and I would believe him. But when Shinra finally smiled Captin Obi started laughing which I just sweatdropped at that. "Sorry about that. Just wanted to see for myself. You get it. I bet that cute little quirk gets you in lotta trouble." by that time I felt like they just forgot about me.

"So tell me, Y/n, Shinra. Why did you decide to join the Fire Force in the first place?" Captain Obi asked. "Sir! Honestly, I just want to be a hero." Shinra replied. "Sir. I want to help those who can't help themselves. I want to be the one who people can look up to. And all honesty I just want to save people." I said with a stern voice. "So basically you also want to be a hero too huh?" Captin Obi said. Then he talked to Shinra about this so-called "devil" nickname. I have to admit I do feel a bit of pity but I'm sure he's strong enough to overcome it.

"Reporting in, sir!" The girl who had a witch hat earlier said. "Hi, I'd like to thank you for helping me earlier." The sister said. "Yeah, sure. I just did what any hero would." Shinra said. "Wow. he really is the one." the witch hat girl said while the sister head chopped her. "This is a time for love, not war, Iris-" but the witch hat girl stopped talking when she saw me which kinds made me nervous.

"Uh hi," I said. "Omg omg omg! You look like a real princess your so adorable and beautiful! My name is Maki Oze what's yours?" She asked me. What she told me made me blush a bit but none the less I introduced myself. "I'm Y/n L/n nice to meet you Maki and thanks," I said. "Aww, not even a smile-" both the sister who I learned was Iris and Maki stopped with the sound of a pen breaking. They were shivering which just by that I already knew not to get on Takehisa's bad side.

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