Chapter 6

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-Y/n's pov-

    We had just entered our destination. "This'll be a good chance for me to see how far I can go against a company captain," Shinra said. "*ahem* I'm pretty sure you mean we and no I don't mean it like french," I told him. But our confrontation was cut off by a voice. "It ends for you here. 'Cause the 5th Angels Three... have come for thee!" They said.

    I just made my way up the stairs as Shinra knocked them down with one kick. "Get away from Iris!" I said as we had finally found Iris and the Captain of the 5th Hibana. "You've got two heroes to fight." Shinra told her. "He'll be the first of you friends I burn. While she'll become my personal pet. Sit tight and watch." Hibana said.

    "You have to run, Y/n! Shinra! As strong as you are, you still can't defeat Captain Hibana!" Iris told us as she held on to a jacket. "It's all right. I'll be fine. This won't go like it did the last time." Shinra said. "You fool. It seems you have a short memory. A hunk of gravel like you doesn't stand a chance of harming me." Hibana said.

    "There's no way to know until I try." Shinra said as he tried to blast off. But Hibana made him go in a sleep-like mode which was actually called heat syncope. "Shinra/no!" Both I and Iris yelled. "You really must be gravel. So eager to lie beneath my feet." Hibana said. "My head's spinning. Damn. Ah!" he said as Hibana steped on him.

    I took my chance and made a small patch of ice so that she would sleep and made a wipe of water so that I could pull Shinra towards me. And I did succeed in it. I had made cool air by using as little coldness I could. "You know a pet isn't supposed to inverter with what their owner is doing. So Stay down!" Hibana said.

    Shinra had finally managed to stand up. "Look at yourself, you can barely even stand," Hibana said as she looked over to Shinra. "I feel short of breath dizzy, and weak, but now I realize it's only a delusion." he told her. "Looks like you're just trying to grin and bear it. But if you'd like to talk about yourself and delusions, why don't we start with the ridiculous idea that you're a hero?" Hibana said.

    "Let's think this over. I'm dizzy in my head, so I'm dizzy for real. Well, hey guess what? I'm a hero in my head, too!" Shinra said which his last statement made me smile almost laugh at how cute that was- And OMG AKHHGBVY  DID I JUST SAY CUTE!? NO Y/N nows, not the time just breath.

    "This is absurd. How are you even standing?" Hibana asked as Shinra was up and next to me. "Compared to the drills Lieutenant Hinawa put me through, this is a stroll through the park," Shinra said. "Fine, then. There's no sport in burning a man who can't defend himself. Come forth, Clematis. I shall grant you a beautiful death by my flowers." Hibana said as her flames were already out.

    "Sister, after all this time, you--" Iris started but got cut off by Hibana. "Just shut your mouth and watch," Hibana said. "But--" Iris started but didn't finish as she looked down. "I might be wrong, but I think you're the one who's delusional, Princess," Shinra said. "Say what?" Hibana asked as her flames that took a flower form surrounded her.

    " Don't worry. It's your lucky day. 'Cause Smack-that Princess-to-Her-Senses-Man is here for ya!" Shinra said. "And what delusion are you planning to save me from?" Hibana asked. "The delusion that you think you have to do everything by yourself but you're clearly in pain." I said as I smacked my fist together and my flames came out. (Like how Kiri does sometimes and his quirk activates.)

    "You know nothing about me!" She screamed. While Shinra flew up I went to the side occasionally hitting back the flames that were coming towards me with my own flames. Once again Hibana used heat syncope. I stopped and made a small barrier of ice around me while Shinra wasn't so lucky. He went flying by Hibana who she just stepped aside to dodge.

    "So your dizziness is all in your head, is it? I think we'd find that a lot more convincing if you'd stop falling all over yourself!" She said with a grin. "Damn it!" Shinra said as he slapped himself. "Honestly how can you call yourself a hero? If you must close your eyes to reality, then I guess I'll have to burn off your eyelids." Hibana said as she made a tree out of her flames.

    We had eventually managed to take her down I laid her in my lap while putting my hand up over her so I could give off cold air so that she could cool down. Iris had the jacket over her while I used my jacket on the bottom half of Hibana so she wouldn't get burned. Shinra held his jacket above my head so I wouldn't get burned which I found sweet.

    Iris and Hibana were talking about things. "I don't have anything left now." Hibana said. "Not true you have Iris and now you have Shinra and me. Even though I work with the 8th feel free to stop by anytime I'm more than happy to spend my time with you!" I said with a smile. "If you want a hero, there's one right here. Just look to the skies and cry out my name! I'll come and save you anytime!" Shinra said,

    "But that's ridiculous. You're under no obligation to help me at all, especially not after done. The same goes for you why would you want to spend time with me." She said. "But I don't have to be obliged. If you say you need me we come running. 'Cause, that's what heroes do." Shinra and I both told her.

    2\" Whatever the case. You defeated me. So I don't intend to fight you any longer." Hibana told us."Mh-hm. Mh-hm. What do you think? Did I overcome my shyness a bit?" Iris asked her. I went next to Shinra to cool him down a bit. "I think I did my part to make you show more emotion so that makes me one step closer to becoming a hero!" Shinra said as he looked at me.

    I just looked at him for a bit before I smiled then that smile turned to small giggles. "Ahuh! My hero!" I said with I smile.

So this is the chapter from last week this week's chapter is coming out soon

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