Chapter 4

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-Y/n's pov-

"That's all we have for now. Today's Amaterasu operational rate is normal. This concludes our broadcast have a pleasant day. Latom." the tv was then shut off by Captin Obi. "No news on yesterday's incident. Nothin' about the Rookie Games snafu or this Joker guy," he said. "Seems suspicious not to mention it. The Fire Force have something to hide?" Shinra asked. We all stayed quiet. There was knocking on the door then Hinawa then entered.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I've got the results. The analysis on the substance Joker used to blow up the training facility. They examined its components. The main one is infernal ashes." He said. The ashes... were from an Infernal? Were they created by someone if so who would do something like that? "Turning the remains of the dead into an explosive? Sick bastard." Captin Obi said.

Should I have told them about Carol? Maybe I should have but then again none of us really talk about our families that much so I guess it's fine not to tell. I continued on working. "Wake up! Quit looking like you're about to die of boredom. It's making it hard for me to work." Shinra told Arthur who looked like he could die from being bored at any minute.

The phone ranged so Arthur picked it up. "This is Arthur Boyle, valiant knight and lord of Camelot. How can I help you?" he said Maki then hit him really hard on the head and took the phone. "I am so sorry about that. Special Fire Force Company 8. Ah, of course. Certainly. Yes. A dog? Right. I understand. Can you please tell me the address?" Maki said. "Hey." "Yeah, what?" "Why did you decide to become a Fire Soldier?" "Easy, 'cause I'm a knight." Shinra and Arthur said as they were having their own conversation.

"All right, look alive, you two. We've got a report of a dog stuck up in a tree. Think you brave soldiers can help get him down? Also, Y/n go with these two." Maki said. "Go and rescue a dog? That kinda sounders like a job for regular firefighters."Arthur said. "We get calls mistaking Fire Soldiers for firefighter all the time. What's the big deal? I mean, it's not like you guys are making much headway here. Go on. I'll take care of the rest of this for you." She said.

"Not that I don't mind going with them. But why do I have to go." I said while pointing at myself. "These can get a lot of trouble and are braindead half the time so they need someone to watch over them. Besides your done with all your work!" She said to me. I mean she's not wrong but I was hoping to get some food at least.

"Yeah, so...that's not exactly a dog. So much as a dog-faced human." Shinra said as we looked at Mamoru who was stuck up in a tree. Shinra brought Mamoru down by using his flames. "Thank you very much, young man." Mamoru told Shinra who I was next to. "What were you doing up a tree?" Shinra asked. "I was in the shopping district for an event, passing out balloons. And some local college kids 'hip hip hoorayed' me." Mamoru explained.

"Why would they do something like that?" Shinra asked him. "Do you remember the killings carried out by that firefighter?" Mamoru questioned. "Huh?" Shinra responded. "The man's name was Miyamoto. He killed four people for the fun of it. Folks have resented the Fire Defense Agency and firefighters themselves since the murders. Sometimes, they take their aggression out on us like this." Mamoru explained.

"I'm assuming that the firefighter is going to court right?" I asked. "His verdict is scheduled to be announced today. According to the scuttlebutt, he'll be found not guilty for psychiatric reasons." Mamoru said.

We were currently helping pass out ballons when we heard an alarm. "An emergency dispatch?"Arthur said. "The Matchbox" Shinra exclaimed. "Shinra. Arthur. Y/n. I know you punks are around here. Wandering the streets without permission. When we get back, I am going to redefine your understanding of the word 'punishment.'" Hinawa said. Welp *sigh* goodbye snacks.

"Sorry, Mamoru, but that's all the help I can give you," Shinra said as he grabbed my hand to threw me up to get a head start while using my flames. "See ya soon, Arthur! We're going on ahead!" just as Shinra said that Arthur grabbed onto his back. "Hey. What do you think you're doing?" Shinra asked him. "I'm coming with you. Hi-ho, Silver!" Arthur said as he got onto Shinra's back.

"No way. Are you serious right now? What's wrong with you? Oh, whatever." Shinra said. As Shinra talked to Hinawa upfront I got in the matchbox to put on the uniform which might I add I did it quickly. I heard about the infernal by the time I was on top of the matchbox so that I can hear the directions. As soon as Hinawa told us to go and help out I started flying by using my flames for my feet.

Long story short the guy was coo-coo Shinra fought him while I made an Ice barrier where the people were at so that they didn't get hurt. But then the Captin of Company 5 came and took the guy away. Then when people tried to "hold him down" I used my flames and ice to separate them so that I could get Shinra out of there. Which I succeed."What happened?" Captain Obi said as Shinra and I were about to fight Hibana.

"It's unusual for an infernal to be as lucid as this one. Simply killing him would be a waste. Our research team will make use of him." Hibana said. "You must know you're in the 8th's jurisdiction. Yet it feels like you're trying to call the shots." Captain Obi said.

"Legally, this man has been deceased since the moment he transformed. You could extinguish him and return him to ash, but you'll agree that this corpse would be easier to study in its current state. And the 8th's is a newer company. I'm told that you've yet to recruit a science team. This is quite the rare specimen. If solving the mystery of human combustion is a goal we share, then you should want this infernal to be researched by the 5th." Hibana explained.

"Can I take that as a promise that you'll share the results of your research with us?" Captain Obi asked. "Oh, absolutely!" She said. "Very well. I'll leave the Infernal in your custody." Captin Obi said. "Someone's scared." The dude in front of us said. "Huh?" Arthur who was next to me said. "I hear you're a powerless nobody, Captain. So it's no wonder you backed down. The mayor of Loserville." he said.

"You  better watch your mouth, or else." Arthur said to him. "You wanna fight, punk?" Shinra told him. "I'll have you know he a great Captin you son of a bitch asshole!" I yelled at him. "Oh, dear me, I've pissed off Captian Nobody's two Second-Class lackies." he told Shinra and Arthur before he looked at me. "You should leave the nobody's team and join ours I'm sure you'd have a better time," he told me with a smirk. "Ew! And have to deal with bitches like you who even though has gum in his mouth he clearly still spring out shit? No thank you." I responded.

"Shinra! Arthur!Y/n! Break it up!" Maki yelled but we clearly didn't listen seeing as how we were still arguing with this so-called Kirhiri dude don't ask how I know his name let's just say I have my ways. We didn't stop fighting until I finally had enough and punched him in his gut. Maki had the same idea which means he got punched in his gut 2x. When we(Maki and Y/m) went over near Hinawa he gave us a thumbs up which we did the same in return. After all that we went back to the 8th.

Y'all sorry for not posting last week I had to do a project this is last weeks chapter. This weeks will come out in a few minutes maybe in a couple hours but ya-

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