Chapter 7

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-y/n's pov-

    "Uh. Ladies. Gentlemen. First of all, we're glad to have you here for our 'job well done' party. The Nighttime Joint Exercise was a big success, so thank you. Uh, when I spoke to Captain-- or I guess it's Princess Hibans, there-- Whatever." Captain Obi said. In the meantime, Shinra and I were sitting next to Hibana who was giving us some food. Though I wish there were tortillas so I could have tacos but the food is still good.

    Bubble-gum-bitch-whose-mouth's-still-stinks was holding an umbrella over our head because Hibana told him. I think he was talking shit about us (he was just talking about Shinra) because I heard him groan in pain when I heard a smacking noise. Guess Hibaba kicked him or something.

    "Gravel does not speak--does not breathe without my permission! Right, Y/n, Shinra?" Hibana asked. "Uh I- I guess?" I said well more like asked. "Uh... we do appreciate you taking on a smaller company like ours." the captain said while sweating bullets guess he must be feeling awkward right now. I could see Maki using Sputter and Flare which I thought it was cute how they were trying to help. But Arthur started to cut them up which made me a bit sad.

    By now it was already sunset. Hibana and Captain Obi were talking about something I don't really know the details of. Little did I know Hibana was talking about two heroes which were me and Shinra.

-Current location: Company 8th showers.-

    "Pardon, Sister, but what are you doing here at the 8th?" Iris asked Hibana. "Hmm? I mostly came by to make sure you've been maturing properly." Hibana said as she touched Iris. "Hey! Stop it. That's a dirty move." Iris said. "That's rather rude. I'll have you know I'm quite clean right now." "You know that's not what I mean, Sister!'' I found it quite amusing, to be honest, it was kind of funny.

    "They are acting like siblings," Maki told me. "Uh-huh!" I said.

-flash back-

"Come onnnn Y/n just let me touch your hair! It looks soft please." A young kid who had e/c eyes and medium-long light blue hair. "Nu-uh Mom just washed it she'll be made if your sticky hands touch it! Besides your hair is softer than my Carol-nee!" Y/n said (hope I did that right) "*pouts* Hmm. Well, I was gonna give you Ice cream but since you won't let me touch your hair then I guess not~" Carol said.

"F-Fine! But at least ash your hands! I'm not gonna let your stickiness pass onto me." Y/n said with a smirk. "*lE GasP* I- Whatever I'm gonna go wash my hands but at least be nice next time~ I'm your older sister for crying out loud," Carol said dramatically.

    "Your only 2 years older than me," Y/n said in a bored tone. "Ya but 7 is still bigger than 5!" Carol yelled from out the kitchen since she was washing her hands. In the end, Y/n got head pats from non-sticky hands and got her Icecream.

-back to the present y/n's pov-

    I just smiled at the memory. If I knew that I wouldn't see Carol after that then I would have been a tad bit nicer. Not gonna let her touch my hair with those hands though. "It must be nice for you guys(Hibana, Iris, Y/n) having such soft feminine figures" Maki said. "Oh, come. I say those hard-earned muscles are beautiful in their own right." Hibana told Maki. "D'ya mean it? That's kinda nice to hear." Maki said.

    "Sister, you're planning something dangerous, right?'' Iris asked. "Yes. I'm working with your captain to investigate Company 1. There's a chance it leads to war." Hibana said.

    Right now we were talking about the investigation with the other. "A surreptitious investigation of the 1st using the rookie training reassignment system? Not bad, Obi. That might work." Hibana said. "Yeah. 'The rookie training reassignment system enables first-year crew members to broaden their experience by getting temporarily assigned to different companies.' I'm gonna use this to send the three of you to Company 1 as spies." Captain Obi explained.

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