Chapter 2

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-Y/n's pov-

I was up on the rooftop with Maki and Iris. "Rise and shine, Sputter," Maki said and with that Sputter was awake. And I have to say... IT WAS SO CUTE!!! "You really are something else, Maki. The way you control flames is amazing." Iris told her. "Not to mention that they are cute," I said with a small smile while touching Sputter. Cute! When it italic and underline its other ppl thoughts) "That's sweet of you guys to say but. How are your hands not burning Y/n?" Maki asked me.

    "Hmm, well since I'm a 5th gen I guess fire doesn't really burn me. The coldness from my body also plays a part." I explained they responded with a simple Oh. Iris was about to touch it but Maki warned her. Our moment was cut short by Shinra bursting in by fighting with a blonde-haired boy. "We're finally gonna settle the score for good." Shinra told the boy. "Since you insist, I'll have to show you the difference in our power," he said as he holds an uhh... Cross- Oh wait! Is that Excalibur? "Hang on. Who are you?" Maki asked him.

"The realm knows me as Arthur Boyle, the Knight King. Might you be the princesses of this castle?" he said while looking at Maki and Iris. "Cause if so then you must be the Queen that I shall protect." He said as he held my hand. I- ok might as well just go with the flow I thought with a sweatdrop. "Oh, you must be our new third-generation Fire Soldier. It's nice to have you on board." Iris told him. "Shinra. Do you know this guy?" Maki asked him.

"Uh-huh. Met him at the academy. I told him that knights have jack on heroes, so midway through training, he tacked "king" onto that made-up title of his. What a loser, right? He pretends he's the smooth, silent type, but the truth is he's just dumb. He's literally too idiotic to come up with words. And yet..." Shinra said. "And yet what?" Maki, Iris, and I asked."Girls still think he's cool for some reason." he continued saying. "Seems to me that our dear Shinra here is jelly." I said in a matter-of-fact voice.

    Arthur had already gone back next to Shinra. "Doesn't that mean you should know them already Y/n?" Maki asked that. "About that... You see I was put into the academy a little while after my parents went on fire which I was around five so when I was ten I was out of the academy. So I just needed to come of age to be able to join any company so I didn't know them in my time of me being in the academy." I explained. Wow. "Anyway I've got way more drive, but girls just don't care," Shinra said.

    (Arthur:) "No one can resist a true knight." (Shinra:) "Wait." (Arthur:) "Knight King. Ladies love a king.". Is this a bad time to tell them I'm more into fictional characters or the type of men like Asta from black clover? Not to mention that I also like women cause have you seen them most women are basically Queens. "Well, for the record..." Iris said. "Huh?" Shinra asked. "I think you're plenty cool, Shinra," Iris said as she was standing. "I second that I mean you offered to help me show more emotions even though most people would ignore the fact that I don't show emotions a lot." I said as I stood up.

    "Huh...?" he said again with a faint tint of blush. Unlike most main lead female I ain't that dense cause on the days she was alive mama raised no bitch. I'm on the level where I can kind of tell when they're blushing and takes me a while to figure out they like me. "Let's see that awkward smile of yours, Devil."Arthur told him. "Say that again."Shinra responded. "What's going on?" asked Hinawa. "Lieutenant Hinawa! We just met the new recruit, Arthur. It turns out that he and Shinra went to the academy together." Maki explained.

    I could see Hinawa staring at sputter considering Sputter was next to him. He then poured coffee on Sputter. Nuuuu T-T but I didn't say anything"Fire Soldiers don't play with fire." he said. "Right. Got it." Maki replied. "So you're Arthur Boyle." Hinawa said to Arthur. "Sure am. Glad to work with you." Arthur. "Come on, man. You heard her call him lieutenant right?" Shinra asked him. "We all stand as equals before the round table. He needn't bow" He responded. That's what she said.

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