Chtr 14: Miss Hangover and Mr. Cute Bum

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Chapter Fourteen

Alexandria's POV

I had a dream. During the time I was unconscious I dreamt about my parents and of me when I was a little girl. This dream felt so real, like all dreams do. But  It was the opposite of my reality. In this dream the family I originally grew up with were at a medow under a tree and beyond that medow, the sea. My parents were happily looking at us  while me and my little sister were playing tag. Then everthing became blurry and faded. But I kept that picture of my family being happy in my head before I awakened. And tears rolled down my cheeks when I opened my eyes. 

Light got into my eyes and the second it did, my head started pounding like hell. I wiped the tears from my eyes and the secod I discovered my face was soaked with it, I knew my eyes must be so puffy. I ignored that fact though because this migraine was the worst feeling ever. Ugh, why was it hurting so much? I smelled my breath and decided it was because of alcohol. So this was what a hangover felt like. Honestly, I've never been too drunk before. A bit drunk, maybe. But not drunk enough to wake up in the morning forgetting everything that occured last night. Carter always wanted me to become drunk. But I was never stupid enough to allow myself to because I knew exactly what Carter would do to a drunk girl.

I slowly lifted my eyelids and soon discovered I was in a room that was too bland and boring for my taste. It was too white and too freaking bright that it made my head hurt even more. I just put my head back down then looked beside me, happy yet sad to discover that the gigantic bed I was laying on was empty. I tried recapitulating what happened last night and came up with nothing after my memory of leaving the restaurant in a taxi. Where was I headed last night exactly? 

Looking at what I was wearing, and discovering it was a man's pajamas then looking under the blanket atop of me and seeing I had no pants on, I screamed to the top of my lungs. Was I raped or something?!

A door I did not notice earlier swung open and out came a dripping Charlton half-naked with only a towel around his lower half. 

"What? What's wrong?" He frantically asked me. 

Then I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. 

"Oh. It's just you." And at the sound of my voice, my face became hot red because I sounded like a broken squeeky toy.  I immediately layed back down and put the sheet over my head to cover my emarrassment. I let out a long breath of relief  because it was Charlton but then cringed because of the pain dwelling inside my head and the smell of my fabulous morning breath.

 I thought  that if it wasn't Charlton's bed I was laying on, it was some sort of stranger that took the chance upon my drunkenness. Charlton immediately hid his lower half behind the bathroom door and peeked out at me cautiously.

"Why did you scream?" he asked urgently.

"Ugh. You can come out from there. I've seen you half-naked before." I exasperatedly said. 

He contemplated it, then afterward decided it was safe and came out into the open.

I slowly took off the blanket and sat on the bed with my legs dangling over the edge, attempting to stand. Charlton's eyes widened at the site of my bottom half which I forgot was bare from pants. He immediately turned his back to me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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