Chtr 10: Miss Chatter-Mouth

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Chapter Ten

When the doors finally let me through, the scowling face of Catherine greeted me inside the store.

"My, it took you long enough to get inside," she said, "here," she handed me some dresses she had already picked, "try these on." 

I rolled my eyes, feeling like a servent. This woman was just so demanding! I took the clothes from her grasp and made my way in to the fitting room but the boutique was so vast, I had no idea where it was so I looked around and all over the place.

"It's over there, you dummy," Catherine stated as she pointed a finger to the farthest corner in the shop.

"I knew that," I matter-of-factly retorded.

Catherine sighed then followed after me.

"I feel like I'm babysitting you," she told me.

"And I feel like my babysitter is an old granny," I snarkily said.

I opened the curtains of the fitting room and began undressing myself. I tried on the dress that seemed the least elegant in the set Catherine gave me. Seriously, these dresses were just too elegant for my taste. 

After awhile, Catherine started ordering me again, "come out here so I can see how it looks." 

I came out so Catherine could scrutinize me. Her eyebrows involuntarily raised and her mouth parted a bit at the sight of me. 

"Alright," she composed herself, "looks good enough. We'll put that on the list of 'must-buys'."

I rolled my eyes, "what is it with you Brits and lists?" 

She glared at me, "please. I have enough of your bad humour." 

"At least I've got humour," I whispered to myself. But Catherine undoubtedly heard it as she scoffed at me. 

I went back inside the dressing room to try on a different dress. I went back out so Catherine could see. She said it was a must-buy as well. 

I tried on all the other dresses and she told me all of them were "must-buys." She collected all the clothes and hung them on her arm to give to the assistant so she could put them on the cashier.

"All of these," Catherine told the lady, "Credit Card," she added as she gave the woman Charlton's card. The lady gingerly took it into her grasp then strode off.

"Is it necessary to buy all of those?" I asked Catherine. 

"Of course," she absently said, "they look divine on you." 

She looked like she regretted what she said as I showed her a smirk. 

"Divine on me, huh?" I teased.

She gathered her wits to think of a comeback, "when I said 'divine', I meant you looked less of a courtesan and more of a lady."

"Courtesan?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Slut, Alexandria." she patiently said.

My head then started fuming.

"I am not a slut, you whore!" I yelled, causing myself to get the attention of everyone at the store.

"For goodness sake! Keep your voice down," Catherine reprimanded. "You are such a gobby, Alexandria. I only said you looked like a slut, not that you actually were."

I gulped-- she had a point. The word "slut" just infuriates me so much. 

Because all through out highschool, that was my nickname. And I didn't even deserve that nickname. But anyways, I just lived up to it. 

Ms. Badass and Mr. Goody-Two-ShoesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt