Chtr 4: Miss Call-Me-Babe

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Chapter Four

While on the elevator, I pestered him about various things that included details of himself.

He was twenty-three years old-- so old! He had lived in America for most of his childhood but had moved to England with his mother during the later years. 

That was all the information I got when the elevator's doors opened to the twelveth floor and he walked briskly down the hallway, back to the party.

Heads turned once more as we entered. A few people came to shake Charlton's hands and to congratulate us right away. He let me hold his arm to show everyone that we were truly in love.

We walked over to his father, side by side.

"Ahh, their they are," his father acknowledged. "What took you so long?" 

"Well, Alexandria just wanted to get some fresh air, so I took her outside and we strolled around a bit." he glanced at me seriously.

"Love," I cooed. "I thought you'd start calling me 'Babe'? Alexandria is way too formal." I said while tracing my finger under Charlton's chin and flashing a seductive smile.

Charlton blushed as his father repeated with eyebrows up. "Babe?" 

Charlton started coughing-- pretending not to here the word.

"That is a very wonderful name-calling the both of you have, I like it quite a lot." his father said in jubillee. "Just goes to show the deep feelings of love the both of you have for each other." 

His son's jaws parctically dropped. I was amused with his reaction and let out a small laugh.

"Why, thank you, sir." I curtsied as I giggled.

George tilted his head, a huge grin on his face. 

"Alexandri- erm- Babe" Charlton corrected. "Can't we just call each other with sweet names instead of that type of word?" 

"No." I smirked. "I like Babe."

"Well, I don't." Charlton sternly said. 

"Too bad, Babe. That's what I'm calling you." I snorted femininely. 

George was only observing us as he chuckled. "Let's all have a seat before we continue this converstion. My legs are quite tired." he huffed and groaned as he took a seat. He was clearly now an old man.

Then Charlton breathed heavily into my ear and whispered,"don't you dare call me that."

"Oh, please." I rolled my eyes. "You can't tell me what to do."

"Oh, yes I can." 

"No, you can't. Not if you want me to go along with this and behave badly so that your father will also dislike me." I whispered menacingly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I beg of you! Just call me anything-- anything but that!" he pleaded.

I smirked. "No."

He gave up, flopping into his chair.

"Why don't you like that name anyway?" I asked curiously, after a moment letting the tension subside.

"It is a very disgusting nickname; I hate to be called by it, honestly." 

"Oh, okay." I shrugged.

"So, you'll call me a different name?"

"Of course," I smiled then changed my tone. "Not, Babe."

He furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Fine." he replied curtly as he straightened his posture.

Silence followed, then I heard my stomach grumble.

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