Chtr 2: Miss Faker

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Chapter Two

The doors slowly slid open as I dashed out to my heart's content. The second I got out, I unwarily hit someone, heard a loud thud, I yelped, the stranger groaned-- and then I was exactly on top of a man, crushing the tiny box he held in his hands as icing spewed onto his clothing and mine. He pushed me off with the motion of his body while he groaned again as he abruptly sat up. Furrowing his eyebrows, he stared wide-eyed at me while absentmindedly opening the box then looking at the cake. 

His face became relaxed and sad as he let out a deep sigh along with the drooping of his shoulders at the confirmation of what he already thought was obviously true: the tiny cake was now squashed.

This man was an angel for not getting angry with me but I opened my mouth, and that was stupid.

"Oh, shit! I am so sorry!" I tried scooping the cream off his clothing but he smacked my hand off with one swift motion of his arm.

"God, just shut up!" he yelled with the angriest voice he could muster as he held the carton at a distance and stood up. There was a hint of British in his accent.

But I didn't shut up, again, really stupid of me. 

"I just wanted to say-"  I reached out a hand to attempt to clean the cream again as it slid off his suit then onto his pants when he stood up, landing on his crotch. He grabbed my wrist and cut me off but I just kept my stare on it then shifted my eyes to his face.

"Don't. Touch. Me." he said through gritted teeth as he glared at me with tensed jaws. This man was definitely going to kill me. 

But as he was planning my death, I found him very... 


All the muscles of his face were tense-- from the deeply creased eybrows, to the misshapened lips. The dirty blond hair on his head got into his face and his once neat hair-do was now messy... and his beautiful peircing green eyes...

But never mind that! I was trembling now. His grip on me started to hurt and I was beginning to whimper. Then I remembered who I was. I clenched my jaws as well.

I tried with all my strength to yank myself free from his grip. But that didn't work, to my surprise. I tried again. And again. And again. Finally, I shook my whole arm but his grip was firm. I looked so stupid in this situation.

"Let me go!" I cried. Nobody else was around. Holy shit, I was gonna die!

And then I did something without even thinking. I was looking at the icing and scooped some with my free hand then wiped it onto his face, slowly sliding my hand down. Maybe it would lessen the tension and make him realize that I meant no harm? I don't know! My hand did that on it's own. 

"How do you like that, jerk?" I said, curling my lips. Why the hell was I like this? I thought that if he was going to torture me like this, I might as well torture him by acting like this didn't scare the shit out of me at all. But it did. It seriously did. And all I could do was fool around.

He cocked his head, amused, then also scooped a whole hand of icing and wiped some on my hair, down to my face. 

"I think I like that better." he chuckled menacingly. But then it faded. 

He pulled me closer to him so now our faces were in very close proximity that I could feel his hot breath on my lips.

"Listen. You destroyed this cake and now you're going to pay for it." he uttered slowly and threateningly that I had whole the mind to scream, but I was too scared that if I did, no one would hear me and he'd actually just hurt me more instead. His breath smelled of mint.

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