Chtr 6: Miss Hollow-Hearted

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Chapter Six

Charlton looked at me sternly. His face read Apologize to her.

I rolled my eyes and irritatedly followed Catherine to where she went. 

I don't know what was up with this man. How was he able to get me to answer his whim with just one look? I stopped in my tracks, realizing that. Well, I couldn't go back inside to tell him a piece of my mind. But then again, I could.

"Charlton!" I yelled. Everybody looked at me. "I'm bored here. I'm goin' to the pools." 

"Did you apologize to Catherine?" He asked.

I snobbed and walked out. 

A moment later, I heard the sound of the seashell curtains hitting one another.

"Alexandria!" He barked. "Alexandria!" 

I did not budge until he took hold of my wrist once again. I turned around.

"What?" I snapped angrily. His expression softened.

"Please. Just apologize to Catherine. She is really a sweet girl, I treat her like my little sister. She deserves an apology." He let go of my wrist.

I scrutinized his features. His soft dirty-blond hair fell over his face, his lips were a bright pink and very luscious, his green eyes almost looked gray under the light. Dammit! My walls crumbled. 

"Charlton," I said below my breath. 

His eyebrows formed concaved curves. He seemed to know just how to speak through his brows.

I bit my lip. No, Lexy. Don't let him control you. 

It took all the strength in my nerves and muscles to walk away but I did. I must have been the most heartless woman in the world for turning down the sincerest expression of pleading on a man's face-- but that's what I did. I was hollow inside. Nothing but a shell or outer covering without a heart. 

I bit my lip as I trudged further from Charlton. I thought in a few more seconds, I'd hear his footsteps following right behind me, calling out my name again. But I was wrong. 

I shook my head then turned back to where I was going, which was to the pools. I had to enjoy staying here, whether Charlton was in the way or not.

There were plenty of people there already, including hot men with flirtatious faces glancing to my direction. I sighed and gave them what they wanted-- I took off my shirt. They practically gaped.

One of them walked toward me and introduced himself, I just ignored him and put on my sunglasses. He sat on the tanning bench beside me, still waiting. I got the sunblock from my bag, gave it to him then flopped on my belly, exposing my back.

"That's what I'm talking about, Baby. What a fine ass." He said in that plain american tone as he applied the sunblock, slowly rubbing his hands all over my back. Other guys gathered around me as well, I knew because I saw through my sunglasses their torsos and heard their chuckles. I felt that this all seemed pointless now somehow. Being me, I would have enjoyed this attention so much before but it seems I've lost interest. What was up with me?

I sighed heavily. I was just sick of all their perverted stares. I wished I was just alone at the beach, soaking in the sunlight again. And not with some creepy old man in a very revealing red speedo.

Charlton's POV

She swiftly turned on her heels then walked away. She didn't even seem to hesitate.  

I watched her back when she left me. I had never experienced a woman doing that to me before. This was absolutely new for me.

Alexandria was the first to deny me of what I wanted. More importantly, she is the first girl I ever introduced to my father! But then she'll eventually disappear from my life once father disapproves of her behavior. I surely do. I would never think of marrying a woman such as her. My standards are much higher. There are a whole lot of other women who look more elegant than her and would surely never say never to my requests just like all the other girls I dated before.

So why is it that I have this strange urge to follow after Alexandria? To beg her to ask forgiveness to Catherine? Maybe because I needed to do so. With other women, there was never a need to kneel on my knees, look up to her and plead with all my heart and soul. But Alexandria was just so... so hot-headed.

In just 12 hours that girl had managed to turn my life upside-down. She's been driving me completely bonkers! I feel that another day with her would make me completely lose my sanity. 

And strange enough, this was a feeling I wanted, something I perhaps needed. And in all my many years, Alexandria was the only girl who had managed to introduce this to me. 

In all my life, I had always felt so sure of myself but when she came along... I've become clueless of what to do. 

And you know being clueless could never work for an entrepreneur's son. Why, I was to run the motor company so very soon! When my father retired, it would be my turn to take over the family business. And surprisingly, Alexandria didn't know my family owns the Ford Company.

Well, it best stay that way. For if she knew that I was rich beyond compare, she would never leave me alone. She'd probably think of going through with this marriage just so that she could have some of the money. Women have done that to me before-- so many of them that I've become aware if anyone tricks me again. That's why I would first introduce myself as a poor stranger to a woman I found I liked. But none of them proved to be worthy enough for me or in some cases, their love for me did not last.

And then Alexandria comes into my life. An absolute stranger who has no spec of love for me at all introduces herself as my girlfriend! I am clueless as to why she did so-- maybe she already knew that I was the son of the man who owned this hotel? But then why didn't she believe me when I told her I was able to kick her friends out of here? So it is possible that she still doesn't know. 

And in all my efforts to try to explain to the people that Alexandria was just a stranger who merely crashed into me at that very same day, I was always interrupted! Why, in heaven's name, did that happen? I was never once in my life cut-off by anyone! I was a very respected figure in this industry, not just as the son of George Ford but also as a model of the very well-known perfume company, Ralph Lauren. You've probably seen me in travel magazines, posing with some woman in sexy clothing, advertising RL scents and fragrances. But Alexandria clearly has not.

I debated on whether or not I was to follow that "bad-ass" girl to where she was going. I decided that I should. She owes my dear cousin an apology. Where was Catherine anyway?

I exited the lush gardens through the well-structured gates and unto the beach. Alexandria was far off now and I could only see a small of her figure, walking awkwardly down the beach. 

She said she was headed to the pools, so when her figure disappeared from view, I knew where to find her. 

And when I finally did, I was in utter confusion. One second, she was walking briskly down the beach, the next,  men were surrounding her and massaging lotion onto her back.

I was in bewilderment. What were those men to her--- strangers? Why were they so close to her? Close enough to be allowed to touch her back and rub it pervertedly, that their hands reached to her... buttocks.

I strode angrily to those idiots. They were going to get a piece of me. 

A/N: So, how do you fancy Charlton's POV? Isn't he so gallant? ;)

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