Chtr 13: Miss Tipsy and Mr. Don't-do-dancing

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Chapter Thirteen

Charlton's POV

I don't know why Alexandria was such in a rush but as she got into the ladies' room, Beth and Kate had gotten to the table. We all stood up to greet them.

"Eeeek. I thought you couldn't make it," Zoe squealed as she gave a hug to the both of them.

"We were so worried. But ugh, we're used to your natural punctuality," Jasmine sarcastically added. 

"Miss my own grad party? Are you kidding?" Beth said then looked at everybody else at the table and spotted the empty chair.

"Oh, Charlie," she smiled angelically as she pointed at the empty spot. "Where's your gorgeous fiancee?"

"In the washroom," I answered. 

Her friend, Kate, asked confusingly, outrageously and almost disbelievingly with a brow up, "Fiancee?"

Rafael suddenly patted my back and said, "yep. Our man right here has gotten himself a lady named Alexandria." At the sound of her name, Kate cringed and stared peculiarly at the table, lost in a thought.

"Charlton introduced her last night, you weren't there, Kate," Beth said, noticing her friend's expression. "Too bad I wasn't able to talk to her though. You two were so busy dancing!"

"Aw, that's a shame," Catherine said, "I got to go shopping with her today. She's a fun girl. Charming in a very uncommon way." 

Beth looked at her excitedly. "Really? Oh I can't wait to talk to her!" then she looked at me slyly. "She must really be something to finally be the one to capture Charlton's heart."

I grinned. "She is."

"Gorgeous too," Matthew said.

"And clumsy," Pierre commented.

"Also very feisty," Rafael added in a rather unfriendly manner as he looked at me at the corner of his eyes and smirked. I glared at him. I hated him. Or at least, maybe we were, as they call it "frenemies."

Yes, we were friends so very long ago. At a time when the only people I let know about my relationships were Catherine, Pierre and Rafael. Only the three of them so they could decipher whether the ladies I showed them were worthy of my father's approval. I know, it seems very unmanly of me to care about what other people think, but my father once said, "Charlton. Do not, and I mean do not, bring a woman home to introduce to your mother and I if she is not the woman you'll marry." So, who was my father to think of me gay when he was the one who instructed me to not bring a woman home ever unless I was sure to marry her? But perhaps he just forgot what he told me since I was only a little boy then.

We all settled down as the soups were being served to Beth and Kate. Our empty bowls were being taken away and changed into the main course. The waiter put a plate of food on Alexandria's empty spot. I was wondering what was taking her so long. 

Kate snapped out of her thinking, shook her head and then smiled too sweetly. "I'm so happy for you, Charlie. Where did the both of you meet?" she inquisitively asked.

I was about to answer that we met at a party, but then Catherine answered for me, "oh. They met at a photoshoot. Right, Charlie?"

I nodded. That must have been what Alexandria told her. She must have caught up that I told Catherine she was a model. 

Rafael gave me a cunning look. "Your fiancee seems to be taking her good time in the ladies' room."

"I suppose her tummy wasn't feeling well after the soup." I snapped. "Nice of you to notice."

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