Titans: Hello Brother (Rachel x Dick)

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Another Rachel x Dick one... familial love of course... enjoy!

Based on 2x09 (slightly)

"So yeah... That is the whole story. I told you that Jericho was dead when I got to the church, but I lied. He was alive. He died to save me from his father. I'm sorry... I should have told you the truth. All of you. You deserved better," Dick said as he completed recounting the true story of what happened with Jericho and Deathstroke all those years ago (Bruce: 5 years! Why can no one remember that?). The audience - including both old Titans and new - were still staring at him, processing this new information and what it would mean for them.

"How many half-truths have you told us?" Hank was the first to explode in a series of angry huffs. 

"At least you got half-truths..." Rachel whispered sounding completely betrayed, which she was.

"My brother is dead because of you!" Rose yelled at Dick, making him flinch because he knew she was right. "I'm out," she continued as she marched towards the elevator. Jason soon followed.

"I'm going with her," he said. Dick went to try and stop him, but that set Jason off even more.

"You don't get to decide what I do! You don't get to decide what anyone does anymore," he says, hitting Dick where he was most vulnerable at the moment. Hank, Dawn, and Donna were the next to go. Donna just shook her head in disappointment towards Dick. Her best friend who was like a brother to her had lied about the guy who had killed her greatest love. She had a right to be upset. Now it was only the new Titans team left. Then Kory got a text. 

"I'm really sorry, guys. I have to go," she said.

"What, now you're leaving too?" Dick said, sounding utterly broken.

"I promise, I'm not leaving because of this. I just have to take care of something. It's about my planet. I'll talk to you later, bye," Kory said, placing a comforting hand on Dick's shoulder. And then there were two.

"So what about you guys? Are you leaving or staying?" Dick snapped at Rachel and Gar. 

"No, I'm staying, bro! I mean ok, you made a mistake. But you admitted it, and apologized for it! You're good in my books," Gar said as he went into his room. Rachel didn't say anything.

"Rach?" Dick whispered. She looked up at him, but he regretted it instantly. Her eyes were swimming in tears.

"Why don't you ever trust me?" Rachel asked, her voice breaking. Dick sighed.

"I do! I do trust you. I'm just not used to talking about my feelings. It's not really how I was raised," Dick explained.

"But you still never tell me anything unless you have to or unless I'm out of control and you think it'll calm me down," Rachel continued as a single tear rolled down her pale cheek. She turned to the elevator to leave as well, but Dick grabbed her arm to stop her. Her head whipped around, but her eyes and the stone in her forehead were glowing a bright, dangerous red. 

"Let me go," came her distorted demon voice. Purple shards, almost like razors were coming out of her, controlled by her arms which were freed now. It was like a cloud of darkness that was slowly covering the space between Rachel and Dick. Dick was backing away slowly, but then he abruptly stopped. His eyes darkened until they were black soulless pits and black veins spread into his cheeks. He let out a distorted growl and just as a blue cloud filled with razors had begun erupting from his body, Gar came running out of his room with a smile on his face.

"Hey, guys! What's up I heard a noi- HOLY SHIT!" He exclaimed as he saw the horrifying sight in front of him. Rachel and Dick were smiling at each other now, their heads tilted demonically. 

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