Flash: Secrets Revealed (SnowBarry / Caitlin x Barry)

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This oneshot is basically what would happen if Barry found the security camera recording of Caitlin and Hannibal Bates (disguised as Barry) kissing in STAR Labs. Also, this is set after season 3, but Barry never proposed to Iris

Barry dragged his hands down his face in exasperation. He was stuck in STAR Labs, looking through old tapes of the security cameras, deleting the unnecessary ones. Someone had to do this boring clerical work and he figured since the entire rest of the team was stuck behind a screen all day, he should do his part and take on this responsibility. Oh, how he regretted that now. He was already exhausted and frustrated due to the events of the day. He was planning on proposing to Iris soon and he was going to go ring shopping. But, he and Iris had a nasty fight earlier in the day over something as simple as why Barry didn't wake up five minutes earlier to get breakfast. Barry was already annoyed at her because all of team Flash was burned out trying to save her, while she was cooping herself up in the loft. He obviously did not go ring shopping. 

As he was deleting tapes after checking them, he came across one interesting tape, dating far back into the first few months of him getting his powers. That seemed like ages ago. Back then, Barry was so confused and constantly irritated, looking for his mom's murderer, trying to get together with Iris, and trying to do his best as the Flash. Those seemed like much simpler times now. 

He fast-forwarded through the recording, looking through it to make sure he could delete it before he saw something odd and rewinded, putting the tape back into normal speed and turning on the audio. He saw himself following Caitlin through her lab and heard them talking about a serum that could help them catch Everyman. The weird thing was, he didn't remember any of it. Then it hit him. This must have happened when Barry was unconscious in his closet at home. This was Everyman, disguised as Barry. Then he was completely shocked and taken aback by what he saw next. Everyman Barry had spun her around in his arms and kissed her full on the lips. What shocked him even more was that Caitlin began kissing him back until she realized what she was doing and broke away. He continued to watch the tape, looking at how awkward Caitlin was acting around Everyman Barry, almost as if she really did have feelings for him and she was just trying to judge what was going on in his head. Once he had seen enough, he continued reviewing the rest of the videos, making sure to save the one with Everyman as Barry and Caitlin.

The next day when Caitlin came into STAR Labs earlier than everyone else as she usually does, she's surprised to see a hunched figure by the computers

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The next day when Caitlin came into STAR Labs earlier than everyone else as she usually does, she's surprised to see a hunched figure by the computers. Then she chuckled to herself. Barry had fallen asleep while checking the security camera footage. 

"Bar? Are you ready to wake up? I have coffee," Caitlin said softly as she shook Barry's shoulder. He grumbled in his sleep and yawned as he woke up. 

"Cait? Is it morning already?" Barry asked in a raspy voice as he took a sip of the coffee. 

"Yeah. Why didn't you go home last night?" Caitlin asked, starting on her coffee now. Barry's smile dropped and he looked more sombre now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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