Flash: You're My New Future (SaviFrost/Savitar x Caitlin)

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This oneshot is basically what would happen if in 3x23 Savitar really did change for the better and stay at STAR Labs.

Iris' hair flew back as Savitar ran past her, on his way to get Caitlin and Cisco back to STAR Labs. Barry looked at her with an overwhelmed and confused look and sighed as he pulled her by her waist close to him. 

"What are we going to do about him? What he said was right, you know... We didn't even think about what his life would be like here. We share the same name! We can't call him Savitar somebody would question it in public. And what about the time paradox? If he's to live we have to find a way to get around that!" Barry rambled in a panicked tone.

"Barry, Barry! It's ok, we'll figure it out together. Calm down. When Caitlin and Cisco get here we can get their help along with Tracy," Iris says, calming her fiance down. Then they felt the familiar whoosh and Savitar was standing in front of them again, now grasping onto windswept Caitlin - or rather Killer Frost - and Cisco. 

"Barry? What's happening? Why did Savitar bring us here?" Cisco asked, for once feeling out of his element as none of this was going as expected. No one had expected one of Barry's speeches to get through to Savitar.

"Cisco, everything's alright now. We talked to Savitar, he's on our side now. We'll have time to mourn H.R. and celebrate your return later, as of right now, we need to find a way for Barry-Barry 2.0- oh whatever I'm calling him Savitar for now and we'll figure out his name later. Anyway, we need to find a way for Savitar to beat the time paradox and fast because I don't think he has much time left," Barry - the present Barry - said. 

"Oh thank God, Sav! I wanted to tell you that I couldn't hurt my friends, but I didn't know how you would react," Frost said as she held Savitar's hand. Iris glanced down at their hands and raised her eyebrow, feeling somewhat intrigued and somewhat jealous at once. Savitar did have her fiance's face after all, no matter how scarred it was. Cisco nodded towards Barry and began working on solving their latest problem.

After hours of work, just when Savitar was beginning to feel that all hope was gone, Cisco came running into the cortex from his workshop.

"Eureka! I did it!" Cisco exclaimed before explaining his plan and the high-tech device he built to execute it. The basic idea was that they would put a device - the quark sphere - that contains Barry/Savitar's genetic marker and would act as a person to keep the Speed Force stable as now that Savitar is out, they would need someone to go back in. Then, just to make sure that the Speed Force wouldn't send a time wraith to go looking for Savitar, Barry would go into the Speed Force just to convince it to let Savitar live in peace. That was the more wobbly part of the plan, but they had to go through with it as it was the only one they had.

The first part of the plan which involved putting the tech-sphere into the Speed Force was easy enough to do. Once that was done and they were sure that the Speed Force was stable, Barry went into it.

In the Speed Force >>>

Barry skidded to a stop and looked around him to analyze how the speed force was presenting itself to him this time. They were in Barry and Iris' loft and the Speed Force was standing there as Iris with its arms crossed and a stern look on its face.

"Do you realize what you're asking of me? Do you even realize what you're doing? You're helping the person - you, in fact - who tried to kill your fiance," Speed Force Iris said to Barry.

"I know... I know that this is difficult to accept, but this isn't his fault. He was treated terribly and it was no surprise that he went as dark as he did. But the good is still in him and he can be saved. I won't give up on him... So, I'm asking you, begging you with whatever goodwill I've gathered with you to let him live in peace," Barry said, coming closer to Speed Force Iris and holding its arms to try and show his desperation and how genuine he was. Speed Force Iris looked into Barry's eyes for a few moments before backing away.

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