The Flash: Surprise! (SnowBarry)

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This is based on season 5. Barry never married Iris, basically assume that they broke up when Iris gave him the ring back in season 3. This also has some SpivAllen (Patty x Barry)

"Hi, I'm Nora. I'm your daughter," Nora said, gesturing towards Barry. Barry simply raised his eyebrows as an uncomfortable silence fell around the room. Everybody was either confused, shocked, disbelieving, or all of the above. 

"N-no, you're not Barry's daughter. You look too old to be his kid," argued a very drunk Cisco.

"I'm a speedster like him, Uncle Cisco! I came back in time," Nora said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"Ok, you know what, I'm going to reserve any judgement or comment until I can do some testing with some samples from both of you," Caitlin said. 

"Ok, let's get to STAR Labs," Barry said looking dazed.

"What? Come on! We're having a celebration!" Cisco complained, but was immediately silenced by glares from both Caitlin and Iris. 

"Guys, meet us there alright? Nora, I'm assuming you know where STAR Labs is. Meet Cait and me there," Barry said. Then he picked up Caitlin in his arms bridal style and sped away before anybody could say anything with Nora close on his heels leaving behind a trail of yellow and blue lightning.

The gang arrived at STAR Labs, obviously a few minutes after the speedsters and Caitlin. By the time they had arrived, Caitlin had already collected DNA samples from both Barry and Nora, and the three were waiting for the results to come in. 

"So, while we wait... Nora, who's your mother?" Iris asked curiously. Barry and Caitlin hadn't asked that question yet, mainly in fear of rupturing the timeline, but they were both still keenly listening, wanting to know the answer.

"I can't tell you that and you know why. It would destroy the timeline. Plus, Isabella and Henry would kill me," Nora said, wincing as she realized what she let slip.

"Isabella and Henry? Who are they?" Joe asked. Nora slowly shook her head, not wanting to let any more information slip.

"Come on, Nora. You have to tell us now," Barry said, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Isabella is my younger sister and Henry is my older brother. We're your only three children, though. I promise. No more surprises. Other than who our mom is of course, but that is something that I will not tell you," Nora said, rambling nervously. Just then, the machine in Caitlin's lab started beeping, letting her know that the DNA test was done. Caitlin ran over and checked the results.

"Yeah... Nora is Barry's daughter," Caitlin confirmed as Barry turned to look at her. He hadn't properly looked at her since she came. She had his light brown, almost hazel hair and his green eyes, but her other features weren't similar to his own. You could definitely see the resemblance though. 



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