Twilight: Choices (Bella x Jacob)

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READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!!! This is a Jacob x Bella oneshot and there may be some Edward bashing. I have my own opinions about Twilight... as in I think it sucks, but I do like Bella and Jacob together. I will not be defending my opinions and please do not start a Team Edward vs Team Jacob fight or anything. This is based in New Moon and I have not read the books so it's all based on what I know from the movies. 

"Not that I think I have to tell you this, but you should know... You're special," Bella whispered as she took in a shaky breath. She and Jacob were sharing air now, their faces mere inches apart. He leaned in to kiss her and Bella backed away slightly. Jacob sighed. 

"Can I ask why?" Jacob whispered, annoyance in his voice.

"I can't. I'm broken because of... him. I can't give you what you need," Bella said, looking at her knees.

"Bella, can I tell you something without you getting mad?" Jacob asked. Bella nodded.

"You have to accept that your relationship with him was not healthy. This has nothing to do with my hatred for him and his kind, but when you were with him, you wanted to die. You wanted to be turned which would effectively kill you. When you're with me, you feel alive. When you're with him you are constantly put in danger and you will have to give up your family and your friends in order to be with him forever. You can never have children or normal ones at least. With me, you are always safe and protected - as much as someone as clumsy as you can be at least - and you can have a family. You can keep your relationship with your parents intact and you can still have your friends. Do you see the pros and cons of being with either of us now? Now tell me, why would you want to continue wrecking your life for him? You're ready for a relationship, Bella. You just don't want to let go of him. Let go, Bella. Let go," Jacob explained and whispered at the end as he inched closer to her again. Bella looked into his eyes for a few moments, then glanced down at his lips. 

It was like a flip had switched in her mind. She felt stupid for beating herself up about Edward and what he thought of her. Tired of waiting for him to reach her lips, she grabbed his face and smashed her lips on his. He was surprised and let out a yelp, but it was muffled by her mouth. This was a kiss like neither of them had experienced before. It was Jacob's first kiss and Bella had only ever kissed Edward before this. Kisses with Edward were always soft and light and she never had any control of the situation out of fear for her safety. This time, she felt electrified. Bella entwined her fingers in his short-cropped hair and Jacob kept one hand around her waist, clutching her as close as he could, and the other hand on her neck, keeping her face steady. They kept kissing each other passionately, neither one wanting to stop. Then they were forced to pull away from each other due to the need for oxygen, but they only separated their lips and kept their foreheads against each other's, feeling the need to keep some kind of contact. 

"That was..." Jacob started, feeling speechless.

"Amazing... That was amazing," Bella said breathlessly, "I agree with you by the way. I was enchanted by Edward, but he isn't good for me. I can finally see that and accept that now. I would also like to see where this goes if you would like that." Jacob gave her a lopsided smile that made her melt and pecked her lips again.

"Yeah, I would like that. Bella Swan, my girlfriend. Hmm... I like the sound of that," Jacob said grinning. Bella grinned back.

"I would love to stay but you probably have to get going and I should head home too," Bella said as she opened the door of the truck. Jacob's smiling face immediately turned into a serious look as he reached across her lap and tugged the door shut again.

"What, what is it?" Bella asked, noticing the shift in her boyfriend's mood.

"I smell a vampire. Bella, I'm getting you out of here now," Jacob said, getting ready to drive away before Bella stopped him.

"Wait, Jake, that's Carlisle's car. The vampire you smell must be one of the Cullens. I know you don't like them, but they won't hurt me. I wanna go talk to them. And before you think of arguing with me, I'm not taking no for an answer and you have nothing to worry about even if it is Edward. I'm done with that," Bella said and kissed his cheek before getting out of the truck, not waiting for a response from him. 

She entered her house and looked around to see Alice in her living room looking terrified. After explaining to her what had happened at the cliff when she was cliff diving, Alice was calm again and they continued talking about the rest of the Cullens, especially Edward and how Alice had left abruptly. That was when Alice noticed the smell of wet dog on Bella and Jacob came into the room.

"I'm sorry, Bells. I know you said you were fine but I had to see that you were safe," Jacob said sweetly, looking at Bella. 

"What are you doing with her, you filthy mutt?!" Alice said, invoking a rather unfriendly response from Jacob as well.

"I'm here to undo the damage done by you and your clan of bloodsuckers!" Jacob retaliated.

"Ok, ok, let's all calm down. We are all on the same side here, no one has to attack anyone. And Alice, you're going to have to learn to deal with him and his smell if we're to keep in contact. I'm not pushing either of you out of my life. I need my best friend and my boyfriend," Bella said mediating between them.

"Boyfriend?!" Alice said incredulously, "You know what? I'll be waiting outside. Tell me when you've put the dog out and I'll come back so we can talk about your seriously bad taste in men," Alice said before walking into Bella's backyard. Bella led Jacob to the kitchen and she jumped up and sat on the counter as Jacob stood between her legs. 

"You didn't have to come here. I know you have to do things with your... pack and I'm safe here," Bella said, feeling guilty about distracting him. Jacob took her hands in his and brushed his thumbs over the back of them to comfort her.

"Bella, I value your safety over everything else. Screw Sam and his Alpha orders. Also, I knew you were safe, but I just can't leave knowing you're with the palefaces. You're stuck with me now, Isabella Swan," Jacob said as he leaned in to kiss her again. Just as their lips brushed against each other's, the phone rang, disrupting them and ruining the moment.

"Swan residence," Jacob answered the phone annoyed. Then his face grew even angrier when he heard the person on the other side. 

"Who is it?" Bella mouthed silently. 

"Edward," Jacob mouthed back. Bella gestured to give her the phone so she could spread to him and after a moment of hesitation, he gave her the phone.

"Hello, is anyone there? Where's Charlie?" Edward asked. He was obviously waiting for some kind of response from Jacob, but he was busy talking to Bella.

"Edward, it's me," Bella said.

"Bella... Oh, my sweet, Bella! Are you alright, love? Are you hurt? Why the hell are you doing all those reckless things? You could get seriously hurt!" Edward ranted. Jacob could obviously hear what Edward was saying due to his heightened wolf hearing and rolled his eyes. 

"Edward, I'm fine. I was in a phase, but I'm out of it now. I'm back to normal," Bella said, smiling at Jacob at the last part before continuing, "But please stop calling me sweet and love. We aren't together anymore, you made sure of that. And I thank you for it. We can be friends, sure. But I've moved on and I'm not coming back to what we were, so I would appreciate it if you would respect that." 

Jacob had to bite his lip to hold back a wide smile from appearing on his face. He had waited so long to hear those words from Bella. He was waiting so long for her to realize how perfect they were for each other and leave her cold-hearted (pun intended) vampire. 

"I... Yes, Bella. I'm sorry. Look, I have to go right now. Bye," Edward said shortly before ending the call. Bella handed the phone back to Jacob and after he put it back in its holder, she hooked her fingers in his belt loops and pulled him flush against her before she kissed him. When they broke apart Jacob had a wide smile on his face.

"You chose me... You chose me over him," he said sweetly. Bella giggled.

"Yeah, you dummy. I chose you," she said and nuzzled her face into his warm neck, both feeling giddily happy in each other's arms. 

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