Glee: The Lima Bean (Sebastian x Rachel)

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Yes yes, I know that Sebastian Smythe is gay in Glee, but I'm making him bisexual in this because I just love the idea of him and Rachel together. His confidence and arrogance would be good for her boldness and big dreams. They would balance each other out... Anyway, about this oneshot, it's based on episode 3x14 when David tries to commit suicide. 


You have been warned... Enjoy :)

Rachel, Blaine, Kurt, and Santana usually waltzed into the Lima Bean cafe as if they owned the place. But not today. Today, the group simply ordered and quietly sat down without a word. They didn't even look around them to check for any stray Warblers as this was their known hangout. Today was nearly a day of grieving. David Karofsky had tried to kill himself but thankfully his dad found him before he was successful. 

"Imagine what his father must be going through! He found his son, his own flesh and blood, hanging from a rope," Rachel said in hushed tones, shuddering as the image formed in her head. Kurt and Blaine were holding hands on the table, grasping at each other's fingers until they turned yellow from the pressure. 

"Whoever outed him without his permission should be ashamed of themselves. This is all their fault. He would never have tried to kill himself if he had been able to choose when to come out of the closet!" Santana ranted to her friends as they sipped on their coffee. 

"No, the real enemy here isn't the one person who outed him. Well, that person is horrible and shouldn't have done that, but the real problem isn't just one person. It's all the bullies who put people down without having any awareness of how their words and actions impact other people. It's disgusting," Kurt says and Blaine rubs his shoulder to comfort his boyfriend. Then the group heard someone clearing their throat behind them. 

"Sebastian, if you're here to make some kind of mean joke and prove to everyone once again how much of a complete ass you are then please just leave us alone. We're not in the mood," Kurt says before Sebastian had the chance to say anything.

"No, guys, you got it all wrong. I have realized that I've been treating everything as a big joke. It's all fun and games until it's not. I know that now and I have come to offer a truce. I have a proposition for you and your New Directions," Sebastian says. There was a beat of pure silence apart from the ambient sound.

"No way! You think we're just gonna tr-" Kurt had started going off on him again, but Rachel rolled her eyes and interrupted him.

"We don't promise anything, but I am willing to listen. What've you got?" Rachel said, surprising everyone.

"Rachel, you realize that this walking bamboo stick has a very compromising fake-picture of your... of Finn!" Santana said, stumbling over her words when she tried to put a label on Rachel and Finn's relationship (honestly it's a lost cause). 

"I've decided to turn over a new leaf. I don't want to feel even remotely responsible for anything like this ever again. So, being the captain of the Warblers, I've decided that at Regionals we're going to collect donations. My proposition is for you - the New Directions I mean - to join us. The more we raise the better and I know that David was terrible to you guys, but speaking for the gay community - and I know Blaine and Kurt will agree with me - we need to support each other and so I'm asking you guys to talk to Mr. Shue and the rest of your team and get back to me," Sebastian said with an unmistakable look of guilt and dread in his eyes. 

"Alright, I like this. We'll talk to our people, but how do we get back to you? I don't want to keep coming back to Dalton, it's a waste of gas," Blaine says. 

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