The Engagement Pt. 2

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Bakugou's P.O.V

      "I'm huuuunnnggggrrryyyy!" I told my half 'n half boyfriend. He laughed lightly. "Order room service. They'll bring dinner straight to the room." "You do it. I don't wanna talk to the front desk." "Fine, what do you want?" Shoto sounded slightly annoyed, but he walked to the phone nonetheless. 

      I picked up the little menu on the bedside table looking at it for a moment. "I want lasagna. Oh! Can we share tiramisu? Please?" "I've never had it, but sure." Shoto picked up the phone calling the front desk, and I got up going to our suitcase.

      It was easy for us to share a suitcase because we shared clothes anyways. Also, Neither of us packed too much because we had a washer and dryer on the tour bus, so it just seemed easier this way. Also, with a little strategic planning, we could make sure we had a different shirt for each concert we did.

      I got out a pair of pajama pants and a small mesh bag we used to collect our dirty clothes. I stripped out of my skinny jeans and T-shirt changing into my plaid pajama pants. I stuffed the dirty articles of clothing into the little mesh bag that was already about half-full of other things.

      Todoroki finished his call walking over to the suitcase. "I know this probably isn't what you were dreaming of or the ideal time for this, but I wanted to ask you something," Todoroki was speaking flatly, but it almost seemed like he had a nervous air about him.

      I scooted to the edge of the bed. I didn't show it, but I was a little concerned. Todoroki dug through the suitcase grabbing something. I saw his shoulders swell as he took a deep breath before letting it back out again. He got down on one knee in front of me and opened the little box. 

      "Katsuki Bakugou, will you marry me?"


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