The Sleepover Pt. 3

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      I woke up to hushed whispers. I pulled Denki closer in hopes to silence him, but I quickly realized that it wasn't Denki who was talking. I could tell from his soft, rhythmic breathing that he was still asleep. I let go of Denki and rolled over, upset that someone had to ruin my perfect morning with him. I cracked my crusty eyes open and let the world come into focus.

      Standing in the doorway was Dad, Papa, and Eri. I heard Dad and Papa whispering about sleeping arrangements with me and Denki, and Eri kept telling them we promised to play with her this morning. I just rolled back over to Denki.

      I shoved him gently. "Denki get up. They're staring at us," I told him with my gravelly voice. He shifted a little, but he just grabbed onto my shirt and grumbled before trying to go back to sleep. I sighed as I gently pry his hands off of my shirt. He didn't move thankfully. I rolled out of the warm comforting bed, much to my dismay, and walked to the door. 

     "Get out of here, would you! You're invading our privacy." I informed my dads. "Well Eri really wanted to play so I thought I'd come wake you up since she said you promised. But, when we opened the door we thought maybe you need new... sleeping arrangements. I can imagine why you slept in so late." Aizawa said, chuckling at the last bit. My face went red, "WE DID NOT! We've only been dating for like 3 months, Dad!" Papa chimed in, "Pretty sure we weren't even official..." He glanced over to Dad as I gagged. "I can't help the fact that you two are nasty! Besides, Denki said he didn't want anything like that yet, and I'm not that worried about it." I said looking at my feet trying not to make eye contact with them.

      Eri looked at Papa and questioned, "What are you guys talking about doing?" Papa looked to Dad for help, and Dad just waved her off telling her not to worry about it. "I'm glad you're respectful. You're a good kid, and I was only joking. I know you're a teenager and growing up. Anyways though, will you please come play with your sister?" Dad said. "Eri, can we move our play date to this afternoon? I'm still tired because we stayed up a little bit late watching movies." She nodded and replied, "That'd be ok. You pinky promised so I know that you'll play with me today at some time." I nodded and hugged her. "Alright, I'm going back to bed. We'll probably be up later. Also it isn't even late it's only 7:30." I informed them. Dad replied, "You're usually up about the same time we are for hero work, so I came to investigate. Anyways, enjoy your morning." They left, and I closed my door.

      I walked back over to Denki and layed next to him. I pulled the small pikachu into me, holding him close. He looked up at me and smiled softly. "When did you wake up?" I asked him. "About the same time Eri wanted to know about sex, you?" "About the time my dads were discussing what to do about us having sex." Denki laughed. "They might joke about it, and if they do I apologize in advance." "It's ok dude. I get it. Now, cuddle me!" he said, his tone shifting from half-asleep to a little too excited.

      I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Sounds good to me." I pulled him as close as I could and held him tight. He laid his head against my chest, and I couldn't help but grin. We layed here together for some time. This is one of the best mornings I've had in awhile. Today is going to be a good day.

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A/N I hope you liked the ending. Feel free to vote on my story, but only if you want to. That's all for this week. Most of these will be in one-shots and not short pieces like this one was. Have a great day, night, evening, morning, or whatever else my lovelies! Buh-Bye <3        

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