Day and Night (EraserMic)

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Soulmate AU when you turn 15 you get a photo on your wrist representing you and your S/O. You have matching pictures. Also, Mic and Aizawa are in highschool for this one.


Aizawa's P.O.V

Today is my 15th birthday which means I get a small picture on my wrist. I finally get a clue to who my soulmate is. I stretched a little before pulling the blankets off of myself. I flipped my wrist over to see a sun nestled into a crescent moon. I instantly knew who my soulmate was.

*Flashback to July*

Hizashi came running up to me before class. "Happy birthday Yamada," I said exhausted. "That's not why I came. Check out my soulmate picture!" Enthusiastically he flipped his wrist showing me a sun tucked into a crescent moon. "Who do you think my moon is?" I shrugged. "I'll keep a look out for you, but no one comes to mind." He nodded,"Thanks Shota. I'll catch you after class." We split off for class.

*End Flashback*

It's a Saturday, but I can't wait to tell him we're soulmates. When he said it to me I never even thought that he might be gay. It wasn't super rare for soulmates to be the same sex, but it is a little uncommon. I hear my phone ding and pick it up. I got a message from Loud Cockatoo. I opened it. It read, "Happy birthday Shota! What picture did you get?!" I responded, "About that. You need to come over right now." "Be there in 5!" I got out of bed brushing my teeth and getting dressed. The doorbell rang as I grabbed my wallet and slipped my shoes on. I left a note on the counter telling my parents I was going out with some friends for my birthday.

I opened the door to Hizashi standing there. He was just in a T-shirt, some jeans, and a pair of tennis shoes. "Hey," I said stepping out and shutting the door. "What's going on? What happened?" Hizashi asked me. "I'll get to that, but let's run down to the little coffee shop and have some breakfast." "Alright, will you tell me on the way there? I have to know now." "No, we can talk over breakfast."

We walked down the street. We turnt right into the small local coffee shop. I ordered a white chocolate raspberry mocha, and Hizashi just got a black coffee. He insisted on paying since it was my birthday. We took a seat in a small alcove by the window. "So, you called me over, and it seemed pretty important. Spill it," Hizashi told me. "Well it's about my soulmate mark." "Do you not have one? Do you have more than one?!" He half shouted at me. "Keep it down, but no it isn't either of those things. Just take a look." I pulled up my jacket sleeve showing him the black and white picture on my wrist. Hizashi automatically flipped his arm over to double check. They were a spot on match.

Hizashi face lit up. "YOU'RE MY MOON!" "Shut up." I blushed as the few people in the shop looked at us."Sorry! I just got excited. I've honestly had a crush on you for awhile now. I never thought about the moon representing you though!" "I like you too, but I also didn't even consider it. I mean obviously you're the sun, but I had no idea that I could be the moon. I never even considered the possibility you might be something other than heterosexual."

He smiled at me. "I love you Sho." "I love you too Hizashi," and with that our little breakfast date went without any problems. It was a nice morning, and we enjoyed each others company. What a nice change in pace.


602 Words

I know the ending was a bit rushed, but I didn't really know how to end this chapter. I also really wanted to get something posted since I hit a bit of writers block and didn't get anything uploaded for Wednesday. Anyways see y'all Monday. Bye Lovlies!

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