Day 3: Secret Santa (BakuDeku)

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A/N Image came from ------- on Pinterest.                                                                                                                    <●>●<●>

Bakugou's P.O.V.

~Flashback 2 weeks earlier~

      Pinky or one of the other extras decided we're going to make this stupid game a tradition. We all pick a name out of a hat and give a gift to that person, which I think is utterly pointless and stupid. I grabbed a name out nonetheless because they told me I had to, and of course, as fate would have it, I pulled shitty Deku's name out of the goddamn hat. I can't believe I have to spend my money on something for that fucking nerd.

~End of Flashback~

      We all sat in a circle in the common room to give our gifts or whatever. Almost everyone had gone, and I already had got my gift from fuckin Pinky. It was my turn, so I grabbed the present I had wrapped. It wasn't anything exciting as far as the presentation went, just some red wrapping paper with snowflakes and one of those bows that are supposed to stick but never stay on. 

      "Here nerd," I said tossing it across the circle to him. He opened it and immediately gasp. I knew my gift was an instant success. "Kacchan how did you find this? I've been trying to find one of these All Might figurines for almost 8 years. There's only 19 in existence, and this one is definitely the real thing," He said checking the bottom for the company stamp and copyright. "Tch. It's not like it was even that hard to get," I said looking away. That wasn't true at all of course I spent the last few weeks tracking it down, and I definitely went over our budget of $15 or $20. Most people had gotten something nice and a little special for this person, but I really wanted to make him happy. I want him to like me, and I know he knows the value of that a action figure. I spent almost $2,000 on it, a little over budget like I said, but he'll cherish it. If I'm being completely honest though, he didn't hurt my savings too badly, and it really was a steal for that figure in particular. 

      I was in deep enough thought I didn't even realize everyone else had finished. Deku came over snapping me out of though. "How much did you spend on that? I'll pay you back however much it was out of our budget range because I know there's no way anyone would sell that for under $100 let alone $15 or $20." "Don't worry about it you damn nerd. Just say thank you for the present and go about your day. Besides, it's none of your goddamn business how expensive that was." "Are you sure Kacchan I really don't m-" "I SAID DROP IT!" And with that, he left to watch movies with the others. Not how I would've liked this day to have ended, but he really does like my gift, and that joy to me is worth more than what I paid for that thing.


511 Words

So, I maybe didn't write Bakugou the best in this chapter, but I did want to show kind of a different side of him. The side that really does like Deku and isn't 100% fueled out of Bakugou's inferiority complex. Anyways, I'm trying to catch up on my writing, so be on the lookout for more chapters in the next few hours. I'll see you later lovelies!

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