Hermione x Male!Reader

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TITLE: The Full Moon
WORDS: 4,554
[R E Q U E S T]

[(Y/N)'s POV]

I jolted awake in the middle of the night, breathing rather heavily as I glanced quickly around my dorm room. The moon was getting closer. I could feel it happening. Every muscle in my body felt sore and weak, my joints aching, my brain throbbing in the confines of my skull, and my heart hammering against my ribs.

My case of lycanthropy is different than the first that might come to mind. Naturally, many think of the werewolves that lurk around the area of Hogwarts, yet blend in with normal wizards and witches in the daylight. However, that's not the case for me. I still feared the full moon, which was only a single night away. As a werebear, that was my ever present fear.

Sleep was hopeless at this point. My body ached far too much to get comfortable anymore. I knew it was futile the moment I'd laid back down, cold sweat dripping from my pores. Unease consumed my mind and uncertainty wasn't too far behind. Suddenly I was so anxious, unsure of what tomorrow's moon would do to me. Unsure of what I would do to anyone else without knowing.

I laid awake in my dorm room, eyes quickly glancing between the window and the ceiling that hung over my head. Desperately, I attempted to consume my thoughts with something other than the moon that would threateningly hang over the sky tomorrow night. Literally anything. Anything from the Potions exam approaching at the end of the week, to hanging out with Harry, Ron, and Hermione tomorrow afternoon, even to getting to watch (Y/H/N) play in the Quidditch finals coming up at the end of the term. Just anything at all.

But it was completely hopeless. Instead, I just stared up at the ceiling until one of my dormmates woke up, and then I noticed that it was seven in the morning. I crawled out of bed, walking over to our shared bathroom and preparing myself for the day. Without any hesitation, I changed into my clothes for the day, pulled my robes on over top of my outfit, and snagged my wand before making my way out of the dorm room and into the commons.

I just wanted today to go by quickly. Painlessly. However, I knew that was impossible. Even the perfume from a girl who was sitting on one of the couches next to the fireplace was agitating me. My skull was already pounding and my entire body felt like it was hardly being held together. There was absolutely no way I was going to be capable of paying attention in class today. I just felt miserable. And I'm certain everyone would notice that.

Fighting through the day was all I needed to do. Just scrape by, then meet up with Professor McGonagall near the Whomping Willow later tonight. Luckily, however, it was supposed to storm tonight. If the moonlight didn't shine through the clouds, I wouldn't transform. Rather, I would just feel like hell due to the proximity of the moon to my being.

I exited the common rooms, finding myself heading down towards the library. Eating sounded absolutely awful right now, and I knew I wouldn't eat for the next few days due to the fact that the transformation process made everything terrible. The only thing I would want to do is sleep. In fact, that sounded rather amazing, right about now.

"(Y/N)? How are you feeling?" Professor McGonagall asked gently, causing me to jump and look over at her. I hadn't even seen her, even though she'd been walking next to me for probably a couple of minutes. I faked a smile, hoping to reassure her. If anything, however, it seemed to worry her even more.

"Never better..." I muttered in a rather sarcastic tone of voice, my brain throbbing and my temples aching so badly. Everything around me was overstimulating, and it was beginning to become far too overwhelming. Of course, she noticed this.

"This is the worst one yet," She explained. She didn't even need to ask me, she knew that she was right. This truly was the worst I've ever felt the day before the moon.

One-Shots // Harry PotterΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα