Draco x Fem!Reader

879 12 4

TITLE: Secrets
WORDS: 5,309
COMPLETED: 5/30/21
[Requested By: @JulzLovDraco4Eva ]

"(Y/N)! Hurry up! We can't be late!" Hermione Granger called to me from the front doors of Hogwarts, beaconing me to follow her out into the courtyard. Today was one of the few days of the year that we were allowed to visit Hogsmeade for a small vacation. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I had plans to hit almost every shop, ending the trip at the Three Broomsticks for butterbeer.

  I glanced behind me, taking a moment to search the sea of students for a particular individual. However, when I couldn't find him, my heart ached a small bit. Draco Malfoy had invited me to attend the Hogsmeade trip with him this weekend, but I had to spend it with the trio due to their suspicion of how much time I've been spending with the Slytherin boy. In truth, they weren't wrong. We were sixth year students now, but I've been dating Draco since third year. The way that we met was quite unexpected, seeing as I never imagined myself being instructed to care after a boy in the hospital wing who had been attacked by a hippogriff. Yet, here we are.

"Coming!" I responded, jogging to catch up to Harry and Hermione, who were waiting off to the side. Then I began scanning the crowd for Ron Weasley, who was still missing from our little quartet. However, the redhead was nowhere to be seen.

"Surely he's on his way. He wouldn't just leave us," Hermione muttered to the two of us, all three of us still anxiously awaiting his arrival. The students continued to funnel out the front gate, meanwhile Ron was still unaccounted for.

  Draco's laugh was unmistakable. As soon as it echoed throughout the courtyard, I knew it was him. After all, I've heard it far too many times. As usual, he was parading around with Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, and Theo Nott. Pansy's laugh that followed sounded an awful lot like the cackle of a hyena. The four of them had just exited the castle, heading towards the gate to make their way to Hogsmeade. Harry scoffed when he noticed the group, rolling his eyes.

  Even though Hermione, Ron, and Harry were my best friends, they still had a petty rivalry with Draco. Then again, they also don't know that I'm Draco's girlfriend. That was something that we had decided to keep a secret from them. However, his friends all know and find it rather hilarious that my friends don't know. Then again, I'm so afraid of how they'll react when they find out. After all, Ron and Harry are convinced that they absolutely despise Draco.

"What do we have here?" Pansy pondered, approaching the three of us. Hermione's sigh was one of exasperation as she took a glance at the group of Slytherin's before shifting her attention back towards searching for Ron.

"What do you lot want?" Harry demanded, narrowing his eyes down on the gaggle of friends that had just approached us. However, Pansy gave a patient smirk as Draco laughed from her side.

"I wanted to invite (Y/N) to come to Hogsmeade with me. I miss her and you three tend to keep her to yourselves," Pansy hissed back at Harry, who shifted his attention towards me.

"Honestly, I don't even understand how you can deal with her, let alone the prats in her friend group," Harry grumbled as Draco looked up, annoyance in his cool grey eyes. He folded his arms calmly across his chest, clearly steeling himself for an argument.

"Are you trying to start something, Potter?" Draco seethed, fixing his gaze on Harry in a stubborn manner. He wouldn't look at me. So, instead, I decided that now would be the best time for me to interject.

"I appreciate the offer, Pansy, but I'm going to hang out with Harry, Ron, and Hermione today. Maybe tomorrow we can meet up in the library?" I suggested, watching her eyes glance between Harry and Hermione.

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