Bill x Reader

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TITLE: Rouge Case of Lycanthropy
WORDS: 3,371
COMPLETED: 7/24/21

  Nothing about this was a good thing. As I laid on the ground in the woods, I knew that was the truth. How did I escape? That should've been impossible. Madame Pomfrey, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Dumbledore worked so hard to ensure that the beast remained contained all throughout the night of the full moon. So why was I out?

  The sunlight was harsh against my sensitive eyes, resulting in me wincing. When I shifted, my whole body ached in pain. Usually I felt weak after the moon, but never has it felt like this. And that was when my mind began contemplating the worst. Had I hurt someone? Or had I just run and worn myself out? If I did hurt someone, were they still alive? Or did I kill someone? Suddenly, I felt sick.

  I pushed myself up to my elbows, turning my head and emptying my stomach into the grass. The taste on my lips was of blood. Inhaling a sharp breath, I finally looked down at myself. Sure enough, my hands were stained with blood and the thick crimson liquid was caked beneath my fingernails. Unfortunately, I knew that human blood and animal blood had distinctly different scents; this was human blood. I had hurt someone and I'd hurt them badly.

"Fuck..." I groaned, pushing myself up to my feet and quickly glancing around. There wasn't a body anywhere, nor was there a blood trail nearby. The person that I'd harmed was no where near here.

  I found myself stumbling through the grass, walking out of the Forbidden Forest and heading back towards Hogwarts. I needed to go to Madame Pomfrey. I needed to explain the situation to her. Someone was harmed. I had harmed someone. Either that or I had killed them. And I wasn't too sure if I wanted to know the truth.

  After a long and painful walk towards the castle, I began making my way towards the hospital wing. Upon entry, I found myself looking at a panicked Madame Pomfrey. When she caught my gaze, her eyes widened. She rushed over to me, assessing my state of being and seeming to inspect all of the blood that I was covered in.

"Who...?" I quietly demanded, not wanting to talk about myself until I knew what had happened to the other individual. She exhaled an exhausted sigh, taking a glance back at one of the beds. My eyes were quick to follow her gaze, locking on the sleeping individual who was covered in gauze.

"No..." I whispered quietly, slowly limping over towards the bedside of the person that I had hurt.

  Lying there was my best friend: Bill Weasley. And he was in an awful state of being.

"He's going to be okay, (Y/N). I promise you. You didn't do anything to fatally wound him. If anything, he's just hysterical because of what he saw..." Madame Pomfrey explained, as if that would miraculously make me feel better. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

  I carefully sat myself down on his bed, feeling tears well up in my eyes. I could've killed him. I could've done it so easily and not have even known. I think that was the thing that devastated me the most. What would I have done with myself if I had killed my best friend? Just because it was the wolf doesn't mean anything. After all, I'm still covered in Bill Weasley's blood.

"Are you hurt?" Madame Pomfrey questioned as I shook my head, looking down at my feet.

"No. Just a bit worn out," I answered truthfully, watching relief wash over Madame Pomfrey. I was more than capable of telling that she believed me.

"Okay. I still think that you should lay down and rest. I'll try to clean you up," She explained as I weakly nodded, knowing that I was in no state to argue. After all, she was probably correct.

  I was dead silent as she used a wet rag to scrub at the dried blood that covered my hands and splattered all the way up to my elbows. She gave me some new clothes and allowed me to use the bed next to Bill's. I think she knew how much Bill meant to me and how devastated I was that I'd harmed him; then again, I would've been extremely upset after hurting anyone. But Bill and I were close, acting as one another's closest friend. In truth, Bill was all that I had.

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