Ginny x Malfoy!Reader

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TITLE: Nothing But Trouble
WORDS: 1,632
COMPLETED: 7/25/21
[R E Q U E S T]

When I had first come to Hogwarts, I was only told one thing: Harry Potter was trouble. However, I usually ignored my father's words and just did whatever I pleased. Never in my life had I expected my father to be correct. Yet, here I was.

"Just tell us, (Y/N). We know that you know something about what Draco's up to," Harry demanded, meanwhile I was inhaling and exhaling shaky breaths. My chest burned from receiving a kick in the ribs. Meanwhile my head swam, feeling as if I was going to pass out.

"I don't know anything about what my brother is up to," I seethed, though it was a lie.

Of course I knew what my brother was up to. If they believed that I wasn't told about his mission for this year, then they would be complete fools. They knew that I was knowledgeable of Draco's situation. But that didn't mean I was going to tell them about it. I would never cave. If I told anyone about what Draco was tasked with doing, death would be the kindest thing that my family could do to me.

It was my fifth year at Hogwarts, meaning that my brother and this Gryffindor trio were in their sixth year. I only had one friend here, but that one friend was all that mattered to me. Worse yet, I had a pretty large crush on that particular friend.

"Piss off, Potter. I don't have anything to say to you..." I seethed at the Chosen One, hatred filling my heart. How could he act this way? He always assumed he was so entitled just because he survived the Dark Lord. Worse yet, people agreed with that frame of mind. It's complete bullshit.

"But you do know something. I know you do," He hissed back at me as I narrowed my eyes down.

"What the hell is going on over here?" A new voice asked, a female walking towards the four of us. Ron arched an eyebrow, watching as his sister sauntered over towards us.

"Ginny, please stay out of this," Ron requested of his sister, who narrowed her eyes and shook her head; as if it was that simple to make them leave me alone.

"I'll stay out of this the moment you three quit harassing my best friend," Ginny seethed, looking between each one of them. However, the glare that she sent her brother seemed to be frigid enough to freeze hell over.

"Ginny, you don't understand. They know something about what Draco's up to. He's probably planning on killing someone. They can prevent that from happening if they just tells us," Harry insisted as Ginny arched one of her ginger eyebrows.

"If they were going to tell you what they knew, Potter, they would've done it already. So, why don't the three of you walk away before I get pissed off," Ginny pressed, glancing between the three individuals who were being rude to me.

Hermione Granger looked down, seeming to feel a bit guilty about what they were doing to me. Meanwhile Ron Weasley looked angered by the fact that his little sister was the one telling him what to do. Lastly was Harry Potter, who was glaring at me in a murderous manner. It was almost as if Harry would do absolutely anything to gain information on my older brother and his antics.

"You already sound pissed off," Ron pointed out, as if he had a death wish. Ginny Weasley was not someone that I would ever want to make mad.

"Then leave before it gets worse than this," Ginny grumbled, glaring at her older brother. He didn't back down or anything, though. Instead, he glared back at his sister, as if he wasn't afraid of her. And, perhaps he wasn't scared of her; but if that was the case, then he's a much bigger fool than I could've ever imagined.

"Are you really threatening me, Ginny? Really? For a Malfoy?" Ron demanded, spitting out my last name as if it were dirt. Something deep within my soul ignited, anger pumping through my veins.

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