Ginny x Fem!Malfoy!Reader

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TITLE: Behind Closed Doors
WORDS: 3,233
TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of Child Abuse
[R E Q U E S T]

  In truth, it might have been completely my fault. Or, perhaps you could blame my family, which I suppose would be a bit more correct. Being a member of a pureblood family already placed a weight on your shoulders; but being a part of the Malfoy family was something else entirely. There were always secrets, people whispering in the shadows, strangers in the house, and many unpleasant conversations. But everything was always hushed up and swept beneath the rug. It was taboo to speak about any of it after it occurred.

  I vividly remember my twelfth birthday. And I'll never forget it, either. It was the day that I was introduced to what happened behind the closed doors of Malfoy Manor. It was the day that I finally understood what fear was. It was the day I witnessed a murder. Murder is too kind of a term; mutilation better fit what was seen. A young man's body torn apart and discarded as if it was just a normal thing. And then I learned that it was. And it's haunted me ever since that day.

  My brother knew. He always knew, even though he was only a year older than me. But there was a substantial difference in our upbringings, believe it or not. And it was simply left to the fact that Draco Malfoy was the heir of the family. He was meant to take after our father and become everything my father wanted, regardless of what Draco wanted. Honestly, I was grateful not to be the heir. Because I didn't have much in my private life, but I did have one thing. One person, really.

  Ginny Weasley.

  Ginny and I have been dating since our third year at Hogwarts. She's my best friend and I would do absolutely anything for her. She was known around Hogwarts due to her last name, which also belonged to six other children; her siblings. Another remarkable thing that I loved was her entire family. Arthur and Molly Weasley were some of the sweetest people that I've ever met. They knew about Ginny and I's relationship, and they were extremely supportive and welcomed me into the family with open arms. It was so strange comparing the Weasleys to the Malfoys; it was almost insane to believe that there was such a wide spectrum of how families function.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Look!" Ginny's voice called from down the hall, which caused me to spin around and watch her barrel into me. The two of us broke into a giggling fit, both of us stabilizing one another.

"What? What is it?" I asked, still weakly laughing as I peered down at whatever Ginny was holding. Her grin was wide as she placed a lavender envelope in my hands.

  Flipping the envelope around, I found that it was addressed to me. So why did Ginny have it? And another rather nerve-racking thing was that I couldn't recognize the handwriting. I have memorized my mother, my father, Molly, and Draco's handwriting. This penmanship belonged to none of those people. And no one else wrote to me. I made quick work of carefully peeling open the flap, finding a small white rectangle made of cardstock with intricate cursive written on it. It was a wedding invitation. Bill and Fleur were getting married.

"Oh!" I yelped, looking up at her with wide eyes and a shocked facial expression. She was grinning, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Yeah!" She beamed as I arched an eyebrow.

"And you're okay with this? I know you're not the biggest fan of Fleur," I asked, giving her a nervous look. She only shrugged her shoulder.

"I know that I can't change anything about it. And it'll be more bearable since you're going to be there," She explained as I smiled, grabbing onto her hand as the two of us made our way out towards the courtyard.

"Ginny! (Y/N)!" A voice called as the two of us turned our heads, watching as Harry, Ron, and Hermione came sprinting towards us.

"What's going on?" Ginny asked, both of us immediately noticing the panicked expressions on both of their faces.

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