Fred x Fem!Reader

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TITLE: Night Quidditch
WORDS: 4,572
COMPLETED: 7/21/21

"(Y/N)!" Ginny's distant voice echoed throughout the Burrow. I couldn't fight the smile off of my lips as I stood in the front doorway, Molly already embracing me while Arthur stood behind her, the two of them rambling about how excited they were to see me.

"It truly is great to see you again!" Molly emphasized once more to me, but that didn't stop me from smiling.

  The Burrow's energy was always immaculate. There was constantly something going on and every room seemed to be its own little universe. Each member of the household seemed to be unique in their own manner, too. However, I was here for one of the Weasleys. And that was Ginny. Well, and she did have this one brother...

  I was in the year above Ginny, which meant my fifth year would soon be in full swing. Some of my classmates included Ginny's older brother, Ron, along with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. However, I wasn't really a part of their little clique. If I was being completely honest, I was distant to many of the people in my year. But Ginny Weasley had approached me one year at a Quidditch match and we've been best friends ever since.

  Molly released me after a few moments, leading me into the house as Arthur shut the door behind us. I heard footsteps trampling down the stairs, watching majority of the Weasley kids land at the bottom of the steps. My eyes were wide as I stepped out of the way, not wanting to get ran over.

"I beat all of you, therefore, I get to hug her first," Bill Weasley explained as the others erupted with arguments. Currently, five of the siblings were present to greet me. I assumed that Percy didn't care too much. And, as for Charlie, he probably had business to attend to in Romania.

  Bill hugged onto me, causing me to let out a giggle. Since Ginny and I have been friends for years, I was practically a certified member of their family.

  Bill was like an older brother to me, someone who I was able to tell absolutely anything to. Charlie was the same. Percy, however, kept his distance from me, though I wasn't entirely sure as to why. I don't think I ever did anything to upset him, but I could be wrong. Then there were the twins, Fred and George. Those two were the funniest people I've ever met, not to mention that one of them is quite the romantic. Lastly was Ron, who was more than willing to talk to me while I was here at his house, but pretended I didn't exist when we were at Hogwarts. But I suppose I understood.

"Okay, stop being selfish, Bill!" Ginny snapped, pushing past her other brothers and clinging onto me tightly. I hadn't seen Ginny in over a month, which was when school had ended. I had been busy and my family had insisted that we do some traveling and spend time together. But I was really eager to hang out with Ginny again.

"We have a lot to talk about!" Ginny insisted with a sweet smile, grabbing onto my hand and beginning to drag me upstairs when someone spoke up.

"Woah woah woah. Not so fast. Where's my hug?" Fred asked, his eyes locked on me and a smile present on his lips. Ginny groaned, but released her vice-like grasp on my wrist. I walked back down the steps and threw myself into Fred's open arms.

  Fred Weasley and I had a bit of a different relationship. The other members treated me like a part of the family, but Fred had always looked at me a bit differently. And it wasn't just when we were here, but also when we were at Hogwarts. He seemed to always coerce George into doing smaller pranks in my presence, almost as if he was desperate to see me laugh. Another thing that Fred always did was make sure that no one would bully me. If Draco Malfoy and his gang of Slytherins ever looked at me in a menacing way, Fred would always appear to make sure that nothing would happen.

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