Telling The Parents

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This is part two of Teen Parents

"It's gonna be okay, they'll understand," Alex reassured me as we sat in the car.

By now I was eight weeks pregnant and Alex and I have tried to plan everything out as we went on. Just last week we told Alex's parents and we knew that they would be supportive which they were. We are forever grateful for that of course. Now we had my parents left. Nervous is an understatement for what I was feeling. I'd been feeling like shit ever since I found out about the pregnancy. Mom and dad actually asked if Alex wanted to come by for dinner sometime and we saw that as an opportunity to drop the bomb.

I tried cancelling our plans multiple times but Alex stopped since he knew that I would just postpone it until it's too late. My idea of running away with him got shot down pretty early. After our talk with Alex's parents we decided that if my parents won't support us I'll stay at the Turner-household. That is until we can buy our own house or apartment.

Me and Alex had just driven up to the driveway of my house after I had spent the night at his house. I was panicking last night and called him, he picked me up and helped me sleep.

"What if they really kick me out?" I asked, picking at my nails.

Alex grabbed my hand, making me look at him, "We'll survive, okay? Plus, I highly doubt that they'll actually kick you out," he kissed my hand.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Well, that's easy for you to say, you already have supporting parents," I whined.

Alex leaned over the console and grabbed my chin, "Hey, listen to me, we're going to do this together, I'll always be by your side, if anything happens, leave it up to me, I'll fix it," he planted a kiss on my lips and placed his hand on my stomach. Something he's done ever since we found out even though it hasn't even become a real bump yet.

I wish the kiss had lasted longer because it was the only thing keeping me sane at the moment.

I nodded, "I love you," I whispered. I haven't stopped saying it since he said it the first time.

"I love you too," he whispered back. "Now, let's do this," he smiled.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the car door, stepping out.

I took a few deep breaths before did the same. Alex grabbed my hand and locked the car. He ran his thumb across my hand as I held his hand with both of mine, scared of letting go.

Alex kissed the top of my head before knocking on the door. I smiled and opened it before anyone else got the chance to do so. "You don't have to knock," I smiled small.

He nodded, "Yes, I do, it's called manners," he said taking off his shoes and coat leaving him in a black button-up shirt and a pair of black jeans.

I also took off my coat and shoes, "Mom, dad, we're here now," I yelled into the house.

"In the kitchen," I heard my mom's voice, I took a deep breath and Alex grabbed my hand.

He led me into the kitchen and with every step I wanted to run back and just hide.

"Hello!" Alex cheered as he saw my parents. Dad by the stove and mom sitting on one of the bar stools drinking a glass of red wine.

Mom smiled big, "Hello, darlings," she walked up and hugged Alex first then she hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled small.

"Hi," I responded.

"Hello, kids," Dad let go of the spatula and went up to us after mom and did the same as she had done.

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