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Alex has always and will always be perfect in my eyes. He's the right one for me and I've never seen a single flaw in him, I doubt that I ever will. He is almost magical in that way. I'm not only talking about looks, I'm talking about personality, artistry, character-wise, the looks are just a bonus.

I thought he knew all of this until today.

I walked into our bedroom expecting Alex to be in bed already but he wasn't.

I had just come home from a night out with the girls, I hadn't drunken a lot so I wasn't even tipsy.

"Alex?" I called out but I didn't get a response. I put down my heels on the floor and walked over to the bathroom.

I opened the door and Saw Alex standing in there, shirtless with only a pair of sweats on, "Hey, babe" I smiled walking over to him. He looked over at me with a not so impressed look.

"Hey," said, in a low tone, grabbing his toothbrush, getting toothpaste and water on it.

"What's up?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows and leaning against the counter.

He shrugged, "Nothing, how was it tonight?" He asked, with the toothbrush in his mouth.

He was dodging the question. It was obviously something that wad bothering him, I just had to figure out what it was.

"It was good," I said, simply, while studying his face.

"Good," he said, continuing to brush his teeth.

I turned around and got my toothbrush ready, still looking at Alex in the mirror. He was loking back at me and the both of us knew that something was off.

I started brushing my teeth too and walked out of the bathroom, into our bedroom. I saw the shirt that Alex had been wearing earlier, I quickly took off my dress and slipped into Alex's shirt.

I walked back into the bathroom and Alex was rinsing his toothbrush and putting it back in the holder. He glanced one last time in the mirror and started walking out but I grabbed his arm, stopping him.

I quickly spit out the toothpaste and rinsed my tooth brush placing it in the holder. I turned to Alex and he looked at me. "What's up?" I asked once again, knowing that it's the only way to get anything out of Alex when he was being luke this.

"I told you, nothing," he said, walking into the bedroom. I stood still, crossing my arms. I looked myself in the mirror and thought about it.

Had I said something earlier today that pissed him off? Did something happen while I was gone? I had no idea...

I walked into the bedroom and saw Alex sitting on top of the bed having his journal and a pen in hand. I turned off the lights in the bathroom and walked over to the bed, taking off my bra from under the shirt and throwing it to the side. I got under the covers, turning towards Al.

He was writing something, probably lyrics as per usual. I traced my finger on his thigh making patterns. "I love you, you know that, right?" I asked, looking up at him. He hummed. I sighed and Alex closed his journal, placing it on his night stand. He turned off his lamp and got under the covers, turning away from me. Ouch...

After a few seconds I asked, "Have I done something," trying not to trigger anything.

"No," he sighed.

I sat back up, "Alex please tell me what it is," I said rubbing my hand on his shoulder. He was no where near falling asleep I could see it on his breathing pattern, which was weirdly picking up speed. "Al?" I asked.

He rappidly sat up, catching me by surprise, "I'm scared you'll leave me," he said raising his voice. I jumped back at the sudden movement.

"What?" I asked, not understanding what he was pointing at.

Alex Turner ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now