Las Vegas Marriage

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Waking up with a pounding head ache is never a good thing, especially not during a Las Vegas trip.

I slowly opened up my eyes and let them adjust to the bright light, shining in through the hotel room-windows. I supported my upper body with my elbows and looked around. Clothing articles, a pair of those weird fluffy handcuffs and an empty absolut vodka bottle or two.

I looked to my side and saw Alex. He was laying on his stomach, one hand ontop of the pillow and the other hand next to my body. His mouth was hanging open, making me giggle slightly. He had dark circles around his eyes and was slightly drooling on the pillow. His neck had a trail of hickeys on it trailing down his chest, I smirked at my marks. Then I looked at his hair, the hair he had been saving out for a few months now were a few inches shorter.

My first instinct was to reach out and run a hand through it, which I did. It was a poorly made haircut that kind of made me cringe at whatever his reaction will be to seeing his own reflection.

It was clear to see that it had been an eventfull night. I sat up fully in bed and stretched my arms. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it read 11.38 AM.

The thing is like this, Alex and I had booked a trip to Las Vegas just for fun as a way to have fun before he went of for tour. The plan itself was just to stay for the weekend, maybe go to a couple casinos, some resturants and just calmly enjoy the night.

That was not the case here... Alex had told the rest of the band about this trip and they invited themselves to tag along. I saw no problem with it first, that was until they wanted to party the entire weekend and get shitfaced. Me,  being the fantastic person that I am, of course agreed to partying judt to please everyone.

That's all I remember and now I'm laying in our hotel room, in the bed with a sleeping Alex next to me.

I grabbed Alex's discarded dress shirt from the floor and put it on before getting out of bed and towards my suitcase. I got a pair of underwear and put them on.

I felt the headache increasing by every second so I got some advil from my purse that I had taken with me just in case. I swallowed the pill dry and took a sip of a water bottle that I bought on the trip here.

I heard some shuffling in the bed sheets so I turned around and saw Alex's hand struggling to find my body underneath the covers. He groaned and opened his eyes. I grabbed some medicine for him too and the water bottle before making my way towards the bed.

Alex was squinting his eyes at me and rubbed his temple. "What the fuck happened," he sighed, his morning voice was deeper than it usually was. Something I found incredibely attractive.

I shrugged and handed him the advil and bottle. He sat up and took the medecine. "I barely remember anything," I said, grabbing the bottle from him and placing it on the night stand

"Me neither," he mumbled, cuddling down back into the covers. "Come back in bed," he looked up at me with sleepy eyes.

I giggled at his cute state bu didn't obey. He closed his eyes and I admired all of his god-like facial features. "This might be a good time to tell you about your hair," his eyes widened and hand went straight up to the top of his head.

"Oh my god," he sighed and he ran his fingers through his hair. He jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I laughed before I heard an angry 'fuck' escape Alex's mouth.

I walked after him into the bathroom, he was standing infront of the mirror, in just his boxers, running his hands through his hair in panic.

I walked up beside him and looked at him reflection. "I'll be honest, sure, it could've been better but I like it," I wrapped an arm around his waist.

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