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I groaned as I heard my phone ring. I moved my hand to the dresser and picked it up. "Hello?" I asked as I answered it. "Kuroo-chan! Where are you?!" I moved the phone away from my ear. I coughed a bit and sighed. "I wasn't feeling well this morning. Please don't be so loud." I informed. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I'm fine. Just a sore throat and a headache." I then sneezed. "And sneezing. I feel disgusting..." I said. "I'm-" I couldn't hear anything he was saying as I sneezed again. He then ended the call. I shrugged it off and cleaned my phone. "Ugh..." I turned around and went to take a nap. 


I heard the door being knocked on. I pouted and got up from my bed. I put my mask on and put my hood over my head. I opened it and my eyes widen. "Don't tell me what to do, you stupid rooster- head bastard," Daisho whispered yelled. I narrowed my eyes at him as he ended the call. "I brought supplies." he smiled. "Just give it to me, and you can go away," I spoke. "Nuh-uh, I'm going to take care of you," he said as he invited himself in.  "Daisho..." I grumbled. Mochi walked in and purred against his feet. I rolled my eyes and closed the door. "I can take care of myself," I said. "If you did, you wouldn't be sick right now. What got you sick in the first place?" he asked. I paused and thought about last night. "That's none of your business. Now out." I demanded. I then sneezed again. He rolled his eyes and picked me up bridal style. "You stupid snake! Put me down!" I argued. He dropped me on my bed. "Ow..." I grumbled. He began to cover me up. Why the hell is he doing this?! I pushed the covers off of me. "Why in the hell are you doing this? Shouldn't this be something for you to do with your girlfriend?" I asked with a bit of annoyance. He frowned a little. "You're my friend, and I should take responsibility for you to get better. Who else is going to give me the answers to a question I don't know?" I glared at him. "That last one was a joke. But I'm serious when I want to help you. That's what friends are for, right?" I released a sigh and sat back down on my bed. How come the friends I had back then didn't do the same for me? "Fine..." I mumbled. He smiled. "That's a good kitty." he stuck his tongue out. I smacked his head, and he apologized. 

"(Favorite food)? Let me guess, my brother told you this?" I asked. He averted his eyes somewhere else. "I talked to him, alright. It was the only way to help you, and know where you live." he pouted. I rolled my eyes at him playfully, and I thank my meal. To let my food settle, we talked a bit. "My brother was a weird kid back then." I chuckled. "Don't go telling him I told you this. No blackmailing either." I added. Daisho chuckled and put his hands up in defense. "I won't." he laughed. He looked around my room and he noticed the picture I cut out of him. "Why is this one cut?" he asked. "It's nothing," I said rather too quickly. "...just a person who broke my heart..." I mumbled. 

- Daisho POV -

"...just a person who broke my heart..." she mumbled. I looked at the picture behind it and saw x's over other people's faces. I looked at her sadly, getting the message. She must've had toxic people in her life. I pulled my mask up and walked over to her bed. "What are-" I hugged her gently yet tightly at the same time. "I may not know how much you've gone through, but know that you have me, Mika, and the team as your friends. You're free to talk to any of us about your problems. You don't have to waste your time with those worthless people." I said softly to her. I felt her trembling in my arms. She's trying not to cry. "It's okay to cry." Then she started to cry. 


"You're sick, and you can still do homework?" I frowned. She chuckled and put her papers inside her bag. She then yawned and adjusted herself on her bed. "It's all in the brain." I rolled my eyes playfully at her. I covered her up, and her cat sat next to her. I petted Mochi, and she purred at the affection I was giving her. "Thanks for doing this...I appreciate this." Kuroo-chan said. I smiled under my mask. "It's not a problem, Kuroo-" "(Y/n)...just call me (Y/n)," she said. I felt my face heat up a bit. "Alright...(Y/n). Call me Suguru." I chuckled. "I think I like snake better." she yawned. I shook my head and chuckled more. "Goodnight, (Y/n)." I turned off the light. "Goodnight...Suguru." I felt my heart race a bit more as my name rolled out her mouth. Focus you have a girlfriend already! My brain told me. I closed the door, and before I walked out, I noticed I left my notebook in her room. I went back inside her room and got it. I looked down at her and moved the strand of hair out of her face. One kiss wouldn't hurt...right? I questioned myself. I bent down and kissed her masked lips with mine. I quickly got out as she moved. I got out of her apartment and closed the door behind me. We're just friends. No one knows what you did...except Mochi. She's a cat! Don't be crazy! I groaned as I walked to the train station. I felt my phone vibrate and it was from Mika. 

Mika: Night love! <3

I didn't know how to feel right now. 

Night. I replied. I sighed and looked at the stars. "Someone help me out here..." 

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