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I sighed as I held my book in my hands. The wind breeze hit my face as the wind picked up more. I covered my nose with my scarf and continued walking. Winter is almost over, but Valentine's Day was coming up. I continued to walk and switched out my shoes in the building. "Morning, (Y/n)." I smiled, knowing who it was. "Morning, Suguru." I shut my locker cubby and walked alongside him. I looked up at him seeing his tired eyes. "What's up with you? You don't look like yourself." I asked. "Oh, it's nothing. Maki wanted to call and talk about stuff. It took hours to finally realize it was midnight already." he spoke. I hummed. "Must be hard to be in a relationship." I joked. "Haha. Make fun all you want. I'm sure you'll find someone soon." He smiled. I rolled my eyes. "As if. Speaking of love...the torturous holiday is coming up. Have you found something for your girlfriend?" I asked. "I'll just give her some candies and a teddy bear. She doesn't like anything big." He replied as we sat down. I hummed. Real romantic, but it's not my place to judge. I thought. Maybe I should give gifts to the volleyball boys as a friendly gift. I sighed as I tried to think of something. 


"Alright, c'mon," I ordered. "Why are we at the mall?"Suguru asked. "To get you prepared for your gift. Also, I need your help to find gifts for the volleyball boys. I want to do something nice for them." I replied. "You? Nice? Nice joke." he smirked. I punched his side. "P-Point....taken...I'm sorry." He held his side. I sighed and looked around. "Let's go to this store. I'm sure you'll find something there." I suggested. He shrugged, and we walked in. "Look here a candle." I showed him. "Why would she need a candle?" he asked. "So she doesn't have to smell your stinky scent after practice." I joked. "I don't smell," he argued. "Sure you don't, buddy." I put the candle back and walked to a different section. 

- Daishou POV -

I smelled myself and did catch a hint of smelly sweat. "Why is she always right?" I mumbled. I chuckled and followed where she went. "Hey (Y/-" I stopped as I watched two guys surround her. I glared at them, and she tried her best to fend them off. I walked up to them and grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry, but she's taken. Why don't you guys go back to the filthy dirt you came from." I insulted them. I put my hand on her waist and held her closer to me. "Let's go to a different store, kitty," I said as we turned away from them. It was silent until I broke it. "Are you alright?" I asked. She jumped a bit and looked up at me. "Yeah...thank you." She replied.  could tell something was bothering her. "Something is bothering you. What is it?" I asked her. She shook her head and continued walking. "It's nothing, Suguru. I'm fine." She gave me a soft smile. I felt my face heat up. I returned the smile and got closer to her. I fix her scarf and she did the same to me. "You're going to get sick. Do I need to take care of you again?" I asked her. "You are too. I would hate to think you would be a big baby about everything." She chuckled. I pouted at her and pulled her hat down. "B-Baka!" she fixed her hat and punched my side again. I groaned and chuckled at the same time. She let out her sweet little laugh that I have to seem to have grown addicted to. I smiled down at her as she dragged me into another store. Maki would do the same with me, but it was not like this. I couldn't help but smile when (Y/n) smiled. Laugh when she laughed. Teased while she teased back. "What about this one?" She asked me. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. "That's fine," I replied. She hummed, and I helped pick out the guy's gifts. "What about my present, hmm?" I asked her. "I'm smarter than to buy your gift when you're around." She replied. I laughed, and we both went to buy some drinks to warm us up. 

- NO POV -

Unaware of the two, Maki and her friends were shopping across from the first store. Her friends caught Daisho and (Y/n) side by side. "Isn't that your boyfriend?" one asked. Maki looked up to see the two of you stop and talk. She felt suddenly uneasy now that you were around him. "It's nothing. (Y/n)-chan is just a good friend to Suguru." She replied. She watched as you and Suguru tease each other. " I don't know...seems like she's stealing him from you." Maki wasn't sure how to feel. She shook her head and continued to walk. "Nothing is going on between them. I'm better than what Kuroo (Y/n) is." venom laced in her words, and as every step, she took,... the more hate towards (Y/n) began to grow.

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