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Things have been hard, but Suguru was always there for me. I finally figured it out...I'm in love with him. He's always there for me whenever I feel down after a hard day from school. I walked to school with him and smiled up at him. He smiled back at me. "What's with the smile?" he teased. I averted my eyes away from him and gave out a nervous laugh. "It's nothing. Can't I smile once in a while?" I asked. He laughed and ruffled my hair a bit. "You should smile more. It suits you," he said. My cheeks heated up, and I looked away from him. We both arrived at class and took our seats. I looked out the window to see the flowers blooming. "Spring is finally here." I hummed. He nodded and told me he was excited to beat my brother. He was determined that his team will go to nationals. "Confident, aren't we?" I teased. He grinned, and we teased each other back and forth until class started. 


I was walking down the stairs to find Suguru. I was planning to eat lunch with him. "Kuroo-chan." I looked to my right to see Mika-chan. "Oh, hello, Mika-chan." I greeted. She smiled, but it felt uneasy. "Is there something wrong?" I asked. "I'm glad you brought that up. There is something wrong," she said. "What's that?" I asked. "I need you to stay away from my boyfriend," she said, and the look on her face changed. I raised a brow. "You do know we are just friends, right?" As much as it hurt to say that. I had to let her know that nothing was going between us. "Yeah, just friends." she put air quotes on friends. I backed away a bit since she was getting close. I kept in mind that I was near the stairs. "You two have been hanging out together ever since you arrived here! He gives you more attention than he does to me! He focused more on you than his stupid volleyball club! You deserved what I did to your locker! To your desk! You don't deserve him! I do!" she yelled at me. My eyes widen, seeing her pain. I did take him away from her. She does have a reason to yell at me. I did deserve the bullying she has given me. "Mika-chan I-" I was cut off as my foot slipped on the step. My heart stopped, and my eyes widen in fear. I tried to grab the railing, but I failed to do so. I felt a hand grab me. I looked at Mika-chan, and she glared at me. "You don't deserve him," she said and let go. I shielded my head as I fell. Luckily this wasn't my first time falling down the stairs. Is that considered lucky? I fell, but I felt a sharp pain come from my wrist when I landed. "(Y/N)!!" I heard Suguru shout. I sat up and held my right wrist. "Are you okay? Let me see your wrist," he said. I hissed a bit when he touched it. "Sorry. What happened? Did anyone do this to you?" He asked. I glanced up the stairs to see Mika-chan gone. I looked at his eyes. He's worried for me. I love that about him..."I accidentally slipped. I wasn't paying attention where I was stepping." I lied. He sighed heavily and helped me up. "Be careful next time. I don't want you hurting yourself," he said. He then took me to the nurse's office. 


"I'm surprised you write with both hands." he smiled. "I taught myself whenever my right one was tired from writing so much." I smiled back. I then thought back on what Mika-chan said. I looked away from him, and my smile dropped. "I have to go home early. I have to go buy groceries." I said. It wasn't a lie since Mochi needed more cat food. "Let me help." he offered. "No!" I backed up a bit, and he raised a brow at me. "S-Sorry...I don't need your help. I'll do it on my own. Plus, you need to practice, if you want to beat my brother." I said, pushing him into the gym. "Ok?" he said and questioned my actions. I left and went to buy groceries. 

"Mochi. I'm home." I called to her. She meowed and jumped on the couch. I smiled at her and set down the stuff. I noticed she was dirty...again. "How many times do you have to see that ally cat?" I asked her. Mochi never likes staying at the apartment long, so I gave her some freedom to wander around the apartment area. Soon she met an ally cat. Never once saw him, and when I tried to find him, he would disappear. She hissed at me. "Oi, don't be giving me attitude, missy," I said as I took her to the bathroom. She walked away from me after I was done bathing her. I yawned and smacked myself awake. "Time to do homework." I quickly did it, and I fell on my bed. I then noticed something was off as I sat on my bed. I got up, and I blushed. I held up Suguru's hoodie that he wore when he last visited. I didn't know he left it here. I lay down on my bed and traced my fingers on the hoodie. I began to cry....knowing that this is all I have left of him before I have to stay away from him. "I'll be doing us a favor. For all of us to be happy. 


- Daisho POV -

I looked at (Y/n) with a worried and distressed look. She hasn't spoken to me for a whole two weeks. I thought I should give her some space since she looked tired. Though she hasn't even looked at me in the eye since then. "Hey (Y/n)." I greeted her in the hallway. She didn't respond or even look at me. Something is wrong. I looked back at her to see her merge into the crowd. Every day, I began to think if I did anything wrong to her. Nothing came up to my mind except for her beautiful smile. I miss it so much. Everything about her. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a first-year student. "Can I help you?" I asked. "I-I have something to tell you. It's about the girl that fell on the stairs a few weeks ago...." he spoke quietly. My eyes widen and the aura around us turned dark.











"What happened?" 

Sorry if it's short!

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