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I felt better after Suguru took care of me. I released a breath out and closed my eyes a bit. He's just a nice friend...I touched my lips. I wasn't sure why I felt pressure on my lips last night. I shrugged it off, thinking Mochi was trying to wake me up. I walked into my classroom and saw Suguru. "Good morning (Y/n)." he smiled. "Morning," I replied to him. I sat down in my seat and took out my book. "Are you feeling better?" he asked. I nodded and hummed. "...Thank you for helping me," I said to him. He smiled and nodded. "Anytime." He said as he kept his smile. Did his smile always look this cute? I stopped and back my book. Idiot! He has a girlfriend already! He's just a friend! Don't fall in love again...don't get hurt again. I released a heavy sigh and looked out the window. Spring will come soon.


"So you played volleyball?" Suguru asked. I nodded and rested my head on my hand. "My brother made me join it. I wasn't a big fan of sports, but it was fun while it lasted." I replied. "Why did you stop?" Mika asked. "I was walking with the wrong crowd," I replied. I felt Suguru's eyes on me. "But it's fine now. I think the writing club is better suited for me. I've actually entered a contest to see if my book can be published." I smiled a bit. "Really?! That's awesome!" Mika exclaimed. The team also did the same. "Please calm down. It's not like I've won already..." I sweatdropped. Mika smiled and giggled at me. I watched as she wrapped her arm around Suguru, and he smiled back down at her. I looked down at my food and closed my eyes again for a bit. Stop. Love is a waste of time. You've been okay on you're own. Everything will be fine. "Are you okay (Y/n)?" Mika asked me. I looked up to see some worried faces. "I'm fine. I just have a headache coming in. Excuse me." I got up and threw away my food. I walked into the empty bathroom and turned on the water. I splashed it on my face and looked at myself in the mirror. All I could see was a pale (H/l) (H/c) haired girl with dark bags under her eyes. She looked so gloomy and dead inside. I frowned and looked away. I dried off my face and went to class. 


I left early I wasn't feeling so good after lunch. As I got home, I received a call. I answered it. "Hello?" "(Y/n) are you feeling okay? Did you get sick again?" Suguru asked. I felt warmth as he questioned how I was. "I'm fine. I just have a headache. Too much studying, I suppose." I gave him a dry chuckle. Mochi meowed, and I petted her. "Are you sure?" he asked. I hummed. I was going to say something else until..."Hope you get better (Y/n)!" Mika shouted. I felt my heart sink a bit. "I gotta go. Mika and I have a date night." Suguru informed. "R-Right. I'll go." I ended the call before he questioned my stutter. I went to my room and went to sleep. 


I groaned as I felt Mochi on my stomach again. "Mochi...for the last time. You're heavy." I pushed her off of me. She hissed at me and jumped off the bed. "Moody cat," I mumbled. I got up and got ready for school. "Be good Mochi," I called out to her. She meowed and I walked out of my door. I then bumped into someone. "Sorry (Y/n)." I looked up to see Suguru standing there. "Why are you here?" I asked as I walked around him. "Can't a friend walk his friend to school?" he asked with a chuckle. "I don't know. Can you?" I asked with an uninterested look. He pouted a bit. "And here I thought I was going to see your soft side more often. I brought you some hot chocolate to keep from getting cold." He said as he handed me the cup. I raised a brow and took it from him. "Thanks. I'll pay you back." I said to him. He chuckled and shook his head. "You don't need to." I hummed and took a sip. "I don't have a soft side. I'm always like this." I said to him. "That is a lie! You ma'am have a cold attitude, and might I add a sarcastic one too. You're closed off half of the time." he stated with a chuckle following behind it. "I don't have a cold attitude! I'm always nice, thank you very much." I pouted at him. "La! La! La! All I hear is lies!" He covered his ears and closed his eyes as he walked. I rolled my eyes playfully. "You act like such a child." I took another sip. He laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh with him. "Bad kitty." he chuckled and stuck his tongue out. "Stupid snake." I grinned at him. 


I place the stacked paperwork in the envelope. I closed it and made sure everything was secured inside the envelope. "Time to send it off?" the writing club teacher asked. I nodded and handed it to her. I was nervous not going to lie, but this is a huge step for me. I grabbed my bag and sighed heavily. "I'm ready to go home," I mumbled to myself. I looked outside to see it was raining. "Good thing I brought an umbrella." I kept talking to myself. As I walked out a few feet away from the school, I heard a certain snake call out my name. "(Y/N)!! SAVE ME FROM THE RAIN!" he ran towards me. I stopped and sighed as I turned around and looked at him. I smiled and giggled as he came at me with his backpack over his head. "Is the poor snake made out of sugar?" I teased. He got under the umbrella and pouted at me. But that pout turned into a smirk. "Is the kitty telling me that I'm sweet?" he teased back. I gave him an irritated look. Again with that stupid nickname...that I l-love so much..."I take it back. You might as well dissolve like salt." I said in return. He let out a chuckle and he began to ask questions about our chemistry homework. "I'm not giving you the answers," I stated. "But why?" he whined. "Saying 'what did you get for number four?' is not the same as asking 'How do I solve for number four?'. You're on your own." I said. "One, I do not sound like that. Two, then help me study! I beg of you! You're the smartest person I know." He begged. I gave a 'are you serious' look at him. "Fine...come on in," I said hopelessly. "Thank you!" he said as he grabbed my keys and walked into the apartment complex. "Stupid snake! Get back here!" I called out for him. 

"Is this correct?" he asked me. I looked at the answer and nodded. "See, you're getting smarter already." I giggled. "Hey!" he barked. "Just saying..." I chuckled at him. Mochi climbed onto his lap and purred. "She seems to like me a lot." Suguru smiled. "I can't see why though. She usually hates anyone new. She still hates my brother for spraying water on her." I laughed at the end. "I'm a loveable person." Suguru smiled. "A loveable ***hole to be exact." I corrected him. He gasped and looked at me. "How rude." he pouted, but it turned into a laugh nonetheless. I laughed with him and decided to make dinner. "If you want to stay. I'm going to make dinner." I said as I walked out of the bedroom. "How interesting that you cook. I think I'll stay for this." He smiled. "Did you think I couldn't cook for myself and only thought I ate take out?" I asked him with a playful offensive look. He smirked and pointed at the sushi take-out food I had yesterday. I threw the trash away and pointed at him. "That was bad timing. I was tired yesterday." I said. "Understandable." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes playfully at him. I took out the pots and pans that I needed to make dinner. "Mind if I help?" he asked. I gave him a small smile. "Sure. Let's see if the snake can help cook." I teased him. " I take that as a challenge," he smirked. "Of course you do." I sighed. 

"Not bad, kitty." he smiled as he looked down at the food. "Not bad yourself, snake," I replied. We both high-five each other and sat down. "Itadakimasu." we both said and dug in. "Better than I expected," I said after taking the first bite. He nodded, and we chatted for a while. "The Spring High Preliminary is coming up. Nekoma is going to be there to see who will go onto nationals. Are you going to be cheering for your brother or me?" he asked. I groaned, and a dry chuckle emitted from my mouth. "Why must you do this to me? I really don't know. One, my brother will be a whiny baby if I don't cheer for his team. Two, if I cheer for his team then I look like a traitor to our school. It's a double-edged sword, to be honest." I ran my fingers through my hair. He laughed and took my dirty plate away. "I'll wash the dishes," I said getting up. He put his hand up. "I can do it myself, kitty. Take this as payment for helping me with homework." He smiled. I shrugged and fell on the couch. I turned the TV on and searched for anything good. I found a volleyball match and watched it. Soon Suguru came and sat down next to me. I focused on the TV but he was so close. Why is he so close to me? Should I...lean my head on him? No that's stupid! I sighed as my thoughts argued with each other. I rested my head on my hand as my elbow rested on the armrest. "That was a close line shot," I commented. Suguru nodded and watched closely at the match. 

- Suguru POV -

As I was watching the game, I felt something on my arm. I turned my head and saw (Y/n) sleeping. I blushed and let out a soft chuckle. I carried her to her bed after I turned off the TV and the lights. I set her down on her bed and covered her up from the cold. I smiled down at her sleeping form. She's so cute when she's asleep...I shook my head out of those thoughts and went to the couch. "Well it's better than making her feel awkward if she woke up with me in her bed." I sighed. It was at least a tolerable size to sleep on. Mochi jumped next to me and decided to sleep on me. "When did I like cats?" I chuckled and went to sleep. 

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